2) I do not have the ZnO tutorial files. Any one has ideas about why? Have they been removed from the package because they were giving problems?
This is at Bruce's pages for artemis, under 'contributions'.
I now have a running set of programs, for which I thank the people who responded to my calls for help. The only anomalous behavior concerns two items:
Given Paul's message, I'm now confused. Did ifeffit-1.2.5 build for you? Related to that, what was the evidence that the binary installer failed?
1) After an initial run in which aquaterm started smoothly by plotting data from athena or artemis (i do not remember which one), right now for unknown reasons I need to start aquaterm before it receives orders from athena or artemis to plot data. That is, aquaterm needs to be opened first for things to go smoothly. And I do not know why
I don't see this behavior and have never had to start Aquaterm explicitly. I can run multiple Ifeffit apps, each getting a different plot window and can close any of the plot windows: subsequent plots will create a new plot window as needed. I cannot close the Aquaterm App while running, as subsequent plots cause crashes of the calling app (this is not unique to Ifeffit. Gnuplot also crashes when Aquaterm is closed). But this does not happen normally anyway: once started, Aquaterm stays running for me even after exiting all apps using it. I suspect you still have a build problem related to the iconf_pgplot script. For what it's worth Aquaterm is the default plotting device with ifeffit-1.2.5a-Mac10.3, but the X11 device can also be used. --Matt