Hello, I am reporting an apparent bug in Athena (Demeter 0.9.26, Windows 10). When I import high energy resolution XAS data from an ascii file, the energy axis is automatically rescaled to 1.2eV step size, thus drastically reducing the resolution of the data. When the imported data has energy steps larger than 1.2eV, no rescaling occurs. This issue may be similar to the one reported in March 2018 under the topic "Athena (Demeter 0.9.26) does not import all datapoints from ascci file". However, the issue I am seeing always results in 1.2eV steps in the imported data. If my original file hast 0.3eV steps, the number of points is reduced by a factor of 4. If it has 0.6eV steps, the number of points is reduced by a factor of 2. I couldn't find any option to switch this recaling on / off, or to change the target energy step size. The problem does not occur with Demeter 0.9.25. Attached please find two screenshots of the data import dialog for both versions of Demeter. The plots show the difference in energy scale. I also attached the original data file "no_rebin.dat" as well as spectra exported from both Demeter versions, one of them showing the 1.2eV steps. Thank you and all the best, Lukas -- Lukas Grote University of Hamburg Center for Hybrid Nanostructures Institute for Nanostructures and Solid State Physics Luruper Chaussee 149, Bld. 600, Room 2.62 22761 Hamburg Germany +49 40 42838 1614