18 Apr
18 Apr
7:11 p.m.
Hi Stefan, Dominik's answer is essentially right (Thanks Dominik!). Just to add to that, I'd recommend replacing your Ifeffit\config\updater.ini file with this: [updater] next_checktime = next year update_site = http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ifeffit/updates/ timestamp = 1987654321.0 http_proxy = timeout_connect = 0.1 timeout_download = 0.1 timeout_test = 0.1 This will tell the updater to: 1. not look for updates again until 2032. 2. wait a year before trying again after that 3. take ~0.1 before deciding that the network is not alive and that it should give up. Sorry for the trouble, and hope that helps. --Matt PS: Of course, there might be a new version out before 2032....