Jose, I am unclear what you are sad about. The version of Feff has little to do with the quality of the analysis. See our recent paper: It is true that feff8l would simplify and streamline the code, making it easier to write and maintain. That's a bit incentive /for/ /me/ to do that work. But I think you are overstating the impact on the analysis you and others do with Artemis. B On 01/12/2018 07:15 AM, José Carlos Conesa wrote:
OK Bruce, I understand. (Sigh)
Good luck in your actual job.
El 12/01/2018 a las 12:35, Bruce Ravel escribió:
Yes. But I am pretty busy these with my new beamline.
"Beamline scientist" is my actual job. "Software guy" is a side project. So the software work gets done when it gets done.
On 01/12/2018 05:25 AM, José Carlos Conesa wrote:
Dear Bruce,
Do you foresee that (in a not far future) Artemis may be adapted so that it can use the results of feff8.5L?
All the best,
El 12/09/2017 a las 19:11, Bruce Ravel escribió:
Feff8L is not properly integrated into Artemis yet. Sorry. I have a new beamline these days. It's hard to find time to work on the software.
This is on my to do list, but it's going to take a while.
On 09/12/2017 12:54 PM, José Carlos Conesa wrote:
I should like to use feff85L within Artemis (from Demeter 0.9.25), just to check in my system whether selfconsistency has a role in unifying E0 values (with feff 6, allowing different E0 for each scatterer leads to E0 differences >10 eV, which seems too much to me). I find that after loading the EXAFS data (from Athena) and a model (a .cif file containing Cu, Ce and O atoms), if I click Run Atoms and then Run Feff with feff6 as executable I get the usual set of paths that allow me doing a fit of the data, but if I try to use the feff85L.exe that comes with the Demeter software (by changing the feff executable in the File/Edit preferences menu), after clicking the Run Feff button (without including the SCF card) a bit of computation happens and after finishing it the path list is empty.
¿Any idea of the possible reason why I get no path list?
Thanks in advance
-- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II Building 743, Room 114 Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: Beamline: Software: Demeter: