Hi Alan, (To the list: I discussed Alan's system a bit with him when he came to SSRL, but don't recall the details. That's why in this reply I have a little more knowledge about it than what he posted yesterday.) I suspect the peak at 2.3 A does indeed represent structure of some kind. Your k-space data for sample 1 has very little noise, so I don't think it's spurious in that sense. What strikes me about your data is that the FT's have so little structure beyond the 1.8 A peak. I don't recall exactly the nature of your system: it was cadmium loaded on to the surface of a substrate, but I don't recall what the substrate was. If it's low-Z (for example, silica), then the scattering off of whatever the oxygen is bonded to (in my example, silicon) would show up pretty weakly, and that could be the peak at 2.3 A. It's absence in sample 2 could represent the cadmium ion being less selective about what surface site it bonds to, so that the Cd-Si distance (in my example) varies and the peak washes out. That's all just an example of the kind of thing that could be responsible for what you're seeing. I agree that a good plan is to use a Cd-O structure to at least let you model the first peak. For the second peak, though, you may have to take more inspiration from the structure of the substrate than the structure of Cd-O. It's also intriguing that the white line in your sample is larger than in the CdO standard from the database. Someone with more XANES experience than I might be able to suggest why that is--something about these being bound to the surface? Is my recollection of your system correct? If so, what was the substrate? --Scott Calvin Faculty at Sarah Lawrence College Currently on sabbatical at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory On Jan 5, 2011, at 11:23 PM, Alan Du wrote:
Hi all,
I processed my XAS data and compare them with standards from Farrel Lytle Database. (http://img717.imageshack.us/i/xasw.jpg/).
In the RSF, both sample 1 and 2 has a major peak at R = ca. 1.8 A. sample 1 has an additional peak at R = ca. 2.3 A. I wonder if this tiny peak is significant.
It seems both samples has peak positions similar to those of CdO standard, which sound logical because the cadmium will bind to the surface oxygen of the material.
I looking at fitting sample 1 and 2 using whatever crystallographic info of CdO I can get my hands on.
Wonder if the plan make sense.
Happy new year, Alan