Thanks for the quick work Matt. On mac os x (10.2.6), I successfully compile and installed the latest version of python, but I had a problem with the make process. The symbol testrf was defined in two places, the source file testrf.o as well as the library object libxafs.a. I got around the problem by replacing the testrf.o file with a dummy function that didn't define testrf at all (as it was already defined in the library). The symbol testrf was defined in both inpout.o (within libxafs.a) and testrf.o. Here is the section where the make failed: g77 -o ../feffit/testrf.o -c ../feffit/testrf.f effit/fitint.o ../feffit/fitinp.o ../feffit/getcom.o ../feffit/openfl.o .../feffit/nxtunt.o ../feffit/getfln.o ../feffit/fixstr.o .../feffit/finmsg.o ../feffit/append.o ../feffit/misc.o .../feffit/testrf.o ../feffit/filrec.o ../feffit/encod.o .../feffit/enlib.o ../feffit/nbrstr.o ../feffit/fitdat.o .../feffit/fitchk.o ../feffit/chipth.o ../feffit/fixicd.o .../feffit/setval.o ../feffit/eval.o ../feffit/decod.o .../feffit/cordby.o ../feffit/sigms.o ../feffit/fefsrt.o .../feffit/fefinp.o ../feffit/rdffdt.o ../feffit/rdfb1.o .../feffit/fitck2.o ../feffit/fitnls.o ../feffit/fitfun.o .../feffit/fitlog.o ../feffit/fitprm.o ../feffit/wrtprm.o .../feffit/fitout.o ../feffit/xfsout.o libxafs.a -lg2c -lm ld: multiple definitions of symbol _testrf_ .../feffit/testrf.o definition of _testrf_ in section (__TEXT,__text) libxafs.a(inpout.o) definition of _testrf_ in section (__TEXT,__text) make: *** [feffit] Error 1 On Tuesday, May 20, 2003, at 05:48 AM, Matt Newville wrote:
Hi again,
Well, it was supposed to be the 'stable' release, but a few large bugs were noticed quickly in ifeffit 1.2.0: - Feff6L didn't make it past the pathfinder before dying. - some of the output arrays for feffit() with multiple k-weights were still messed up.
These turned out to be easy to track down (and the Feff problem was all mine -- not native to Feff!!!), so I fixed these to make version 1.2.1 (both source and Window exe), which is now available at
and at Sourceforge: showfiles.php?group_id=80919&release_id=160378
It usually takes a day for Sourceforge's mirrors to get new files.
Since this is supposed to be the 'stable' version, I don't intend to be making releases every 5 days. These problems were big and easy to fix, and I'll be away for a week so thought I should post these now. Really, it will calm down.
As others have suggested, I like the idea of being able to update the individual files (athena.exe, ifeffit.dll, feff6l.exe) to an already-installed Windows tree. It should be fairly easy to write a program that looks at some webpage for a zip file with the changes since version "1.2.X" and update the needed files.
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Paul Fons, Ph.D. Senior Staff Researcher Photonics Institute National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science & Technology Tsukuba, JAPAN 305-8568 email: tel. +81-298-61-5636 fax: +81-298-61-5615 The lines below are in Japanese 主任研究官 ポール・フォンス 産業技術総合研究所 光技術研究部門 つくば市茨城県 305-8568