On Jan 9, 2014, at 8:33 PM, Matt Newville
Hi Frank,
On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Schima, Frank
wrote: Hi all,
On Jan 9, 2014, at 8:26 AM, Matt Newville
wrote: On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 8:04 AM, Bruce Ravel
wrote: On 01/09/2014 08:24 AM, Stefano Luciano Ciurli wrote:
Hello Bruce and thank you for your hard work! instructions to install on OS X 10.6.8?
There is not a Mac package. I do not own a Mac and and so do not have the ability to develop a Mac package on my own.
Over the years, no one has ever stepped up to help me develop a Mac package for Demeter. (Or Debian packages, or RedHat packages, for that matter.)
Well, I have *tried* many times, and put a fair amount of time in getting Demeter to work on a Mac. What I have not done is *succeed*. I can tell you that getting wxPerl to work on Mac OSX is far from simple. Though Demeter is many years old now, and I've tried many times over the years (and I using wxPython on Mac all the time), it is only within the past few months that I have ever gotten wxPerl to actually build on any Mac, and this was a 10.8 machine. Currently (though I haven't looked at it in more than a month), getting the Ifeffit-Perl interface to build properly with Mac OS 10.8 has me stumped, as Apple is now using llvm/clang, making it challenging to work well with gfortran.
Migrating Demeter to use Larch should simplify the situation, as it would remove the need for the Ifeffit-Perl interface.
Frankly, the work I do on the Windows package takes a lot of time. The only way I can claim that time fits in my job description is because my group uses Windows machines at our beamlines. Help would be welcome to develop packages for Mac and other platforms, but despite repeated requests over many years, no one has ever volunteered and actually seen it through to completion.
Yes, help building Demeter for Mac OSX would be great.
I too have put a lot of work into making Demeter run on OS X. I have been attempting to make a port of it in Macports [1] so it is easy to install and/or have a package installer created.
The good news is that along the way I have successfully created a port of ifeffit [2] that builds fine for me on 10.9 and should work all the way down to 10.6. I utilize gcc for gfortran. I believe the ifeffit-perl bindings [3] work too. After you install Macports [4], you can simply type:
sudo port install p5.16-ifeffit
The bad news is that my in progress Demeter port does not work yet. The problem I’m stuck on is getting the perl-wx port [5] built. I have not been able to get it built with the new wx-widgets version 3.0.0 that is in Macports. The perl-wx people apparently don’t have support for that version of wx yet and they never respond to my queries about it on the mailing list.
I encourage people to test out ifeffit on OS X through Macports and give me feedback - positive or negative. Thanks to Bruce for his support during this endeavor.
Cheers! Frank
[1] http://www.macports.org [2] https://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/science/ifeffit/Portfile [3] https://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/perl/p5-ifeffit/Portfile [4] http://www.macports.org/install.php [5] https://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/perl/p5-wx/Portfile
Thanks! I'm very glad you're working on this too.
I wasn't able to build wxPerl with macports either, but it did work with citrusperl. I don't have a strong preference, but citrusperl does seem reasonable as a "standalone perl install". I don't know how likely it wold be to package this up into an App, but I suspect it would be possible.
I don’t know anything about citrusperl - besides the 1 minute of looking at the site since you mentioned it - but I’m working on a Macports based solution to install Demeter and so I will be using perl from Macports only. I feel that is the best way forward and where my knowledge lies.
FWIW, I think that Demeter does not need wxWidgets verision 3, and that 2.8 or 2.9 would be fine.... From recent experience with wxPython and wxWidgets 3, I'd take the conservative approach and see if Demeter can work with a not-too-old version like 2.9. Does that help you build with macports?
It used to build for me, I think with wxWidgets 2.9. But for reasons that I’ve now forgotten, Demeter did not completely run correctly when I built it. I believe one of the sub programs did work for me however. But now that wxWidgets has been updated in Macports to version 3, the perl-wx project has apparently not been updated to accommodate this new version yet. wxWidgets has been a major problem in Macports because it was 32-bit code and not 64-bit ready. My understanding is that version 3.0 is 64-bit finally. This is the desired state that will allow it to work better with OS X and Macports in general.
And I have been able to build the Ifeffit-Perl bindings on 10.6, but not on 10.8. I assumed this is due to changes in the Fortran compilers. On one 10.8 machine, I know that I tried one of the 3rd party ports of GFortran from http://hpc.sourceforge.net/ It's certainly possible that I'm doing something wrong. I haven't looked at this in detail since November, but will give it another got over the next couple weeks.
The p5.16-ifeffit port should build just fine on 10.8.
Of course, my preference would be to move away from the ifeffit library to Larch, and this definitely works on Macs (and I know I can make Apps), but it would be good to get some version of Demeter working.
I’m open to this. There is currently no port in Macports for Larch. That would be the first step. Do you think it would be useful? Perhaps we can work on this offline. Feel free to email me directly about that. Cheers! Frank