Sorry about that... Hit the wrong button. Anyway, as I was saying, to make a single scattering path is easy-- just open the theory menu in Artemis, click the "New feff input template" button, and fill in the template that opens up. You can put in as many atoms as you want, and it does work perfectly well if you only have two. All you need to know are a few details about what's in a feff input file, and it is relatively quick and painless. The only thing that tripped me up was: there are some underscores in the template to show you where to type in certain information, and before you hit the "run feff" button you need to get rid of all of those or it won't run. If you want to experiment with different coordinations, you can just play with the path degeneracy in Artemis. If I've missed some essential details, let me know, but it seems like this works fine... Mike Groves UW Physics