Carlo, I have been having consistent problems running the tutorials on my MacOSX G4 portable PC. I have posted several times the tect of the trap files I am getting. .Apparently, there is no definitve answer (yet). I am sure Bruce will try to clean up things whenever he has time. But, if for some reason, some of you out there knows a way out, I'll be one of the many to be happy to read it. Stefano.
One of my students is just trying Scott's ZnO tutorial and we are finding a consistent problem when trying to work with the third project file.
When we get to the point of adding an additional path, (feff0011.dat), artemis crashes with the following message:
The following message was trapped by Artemis:
Artemis0.7.006warn/home/segre/.horae/stash/ARTEMIS.TRAPCODE(0x9652e54)/home/segre/.horae/stash/artemis.project.2/ at /usr/bin/artemis line 1562 main::__ANON__('Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/bin/artemis l...') called at /usr/bin/artemis line 7313 main::read_feff('^^') called at /usr/lib/perl5/ line 225 eval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/ line 225 Tk::__ANON__('Tk::Menu=HASH(0x974a060)', 'active') called at /usr/lib/perl5/Tk/ line 531 Tk::Menu::Invoke('Tk::Menu=HASH(0x974a060)', 1) called at /usr/lib/perl5/ line 347 eval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/ line 347 Tk::MainLoop() called at /usr/bin/artemis line 1707
This is happening on all of my Linux machines. They are using my Debian packages and so I have not tried with the tarball installation.
Has anyone else had this problem? I hesitate to report it as a bug until it is confirmed. In a previous version of horae, it worked fine.
-- Carlo U. Segre -- Professor of Physics Associate Dean for Special Projects, Graduate College Illinois Institute of Technology Voice: 312.567.3498 Fax: 312.567.3494 _______________________________________________ Ifeffit mailing list
-- ____________________________________________ Stefano Ciurli Professor of Chemistry Department of Agro-Environmental Science and Technology University of Bologna Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40 I-40127 Bologna Italy Phone: +39-051-209-6204 Fax: +39-051-209-6203 "Fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza" Dante Alighieri - Inferno - Canto XXVI