Hello all,
As a daily-user of Ifeffit&friends I found many times the necessity to
implement new functionalities for XAFS analysis that surround Athena and
Artemis. At the moment the Fortran/C/Perl/Python/Tcl interfaces to
Ifeffit are great and Bruce's Demeter OO-project is fantastic but still
broken in some important functions (I know that developing an open
source project is a lot of voluntary work).
For these reasons I would like to know your point of view on the idea to
find a standard in the creation of Ifeffit applications in order to
permit the interested community to contribute/share in the programming
effort. Practically speaking, if someone would like to implement a new
functionality based on the Ifeffit library which directives should
follow to integrate the existing applications?
Mauro Rovezzi