Hi again,
Thanks Scott, I think it is a mistake done by many beginners. To be confident that I understood you well: so basically the reproducibility of E0 between samples while fitting to FEFF files mainly depends on the quality of my calibration.
For reproducibility, yes.
Actually, if there is no clear feature in my edges and they are different in ‘slopes’, I must have either a calibration foil, or a known standard, measured at the same time; otherwise there is no good way to get comparable data?
Some beamlines are more stable in energy than others. Sometimes it suffices to measure a standard occasionally between measuring data. If the calibration does not drift, or drifts in a predictable way, then you're OK. But if the calibration jumps around by an eV or two, as is not uncommon, then your data inherits that uncertainty unless you measure a reference material at the same time.
Is that right, or the fitting, considering all spectra’s components will finally lead to a good fit, even with relatively poor calibration (I will definitely be more careful in the future; but asking for a set of samples that were mistakenly measured for me without a standard).
This is a different question. If you are fitting to FEFF, then it doesn't matter if the E0's were defined consistently for each sample, or if the calibration drifted. You will most likely float E0 as a free parameter anyway, so the fitting process will adjust for the differences. You do lose the ability to compare the E0's of your different samples, and you lose the ability to constrain them to be the same, but the rest of the fitting process is fine. --Scott Calvin Sarah Lawrence College P.S. Also note that if ifeffit returns an E0 shift of more than about 10 eV, that's a warning sign. Check if that would correspond to an E0 still on or near the rising portion of the edge (a bit past the white line is still OK). If it's not, then the fit is not a good one. If it is, then it's best to choose a new E0 in Athena (or SixPack) that is closer to to where ifeffit wants it; FEFF loses accuracy when the E0 has to be shifted by that much.