12 May
12 May
1:29 a.m.
Hi Robert, Lisa,
On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 3:51 PM, Robert Gordon
Another possibility is that the L-edges of In and Sb are giving considerable energy-dependence to the beam in the EXAFS region...any non-linearity between detectors will make extraction of the EXAFS problematic. Looking at CAMD's XAS beamline mono specs http://www.camd.lsu.edu/beamline_info/DCM_beamline_2008.pdf Si111, Si220 and Ge220 will all cover the Ca K-edge range.
I completely agree. The In L edges (3730, 3938, 4238 eV) and Sb L edges (4132, 4380, 4698 eV) would make InSb pretty close to impossible to use as a mono for Ca K edge (4038 eV). --Matt