19 Feb
19 Feb
5:23 a.m.
Hello! We are trying to fit low temperature V K edge EXAFS data in V2O3. As per the cif files available (attached herewith – V2O3_10K data.cif) the structure is described by I2/a space group. When this file is read by ATOMS it gives an erroneous output ( attached herewith - feff.inp). In particular the values of V-O and V-V bond distances are not correct and do not match with bond distances reported in literature (Phys. Rev. B 2 (1970) 3771). Could anyone tell me where am I making a mistake. I am aware that I2/a is a non standard space group but I am not sure if I need to take any precaution while reading the cif file in ATOMS. Thanks and regards, Kaustubh Sent from Mail for Windows 10