Hi Matthias,
On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Matthias Filez
Dear mailing list user,
I am currently trying to use the cauchy_wavelet.py plugin of Larch-0.9.24 to wavelet transform some k-space EXAFS data. In principle, everything works properly, but I would like to adjust the order of the Cauchy wavelet to 50. However, a view inside the script does not make clear what changes are necessary. How can this be done?
Please provide me your suggestions, Many thanks,
Matthias Filez
I'm not sure. There are many possible variations of wavelets, and I am by no means an expert in them. I think the variation used in Larch's cauchy_wavelet.py is similar to the one from Munoz et al (and the ESRF Hama code too -- correct me if I'm wrong about this!). Perhaps there is an alternate definition on Cauchy wavelet that has such an order? I think it would great to have more than one version of wavelet transforms available... --Matt