Hi there, I'm using a Demeter 0.9.26 download to display data in Athena. My raw data was converted into ascii readable format retaining a measured 0.25 eV step size through the XANES region. However, Athena seems to inexplicably change the plotted step size to 1.00 eV. I've reinstalled Demeter/Athena without any luck. I also have an older version of Athena (0.8.056) that can display the data with the correct / measured step size of 0.25 eV without any issues. Any idea why Demeter is messing up my energy resolution when I have not changed a single default parameter? Cheers, Bernt Dr. Bernt Johannessen Senior Scientist - XAS Australian Synchrotron Tel Email Web +61 3 8540 4240 berntj@ansto.gov.aumailto:berntj@ansto.gov.au www.ansto.gov.auhttp://www.ansto.gov.au/ [fb]https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/0PdECwVLQmilZ0PocqY_I0?domain=facebook.com [tw] https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/dwZYCxnMRvtEqmBZTYpBHF?domain=twitter.com [ln] http://www.linkedin.com/company/ansto [yt] http://www.youtube.com/user/ANSTOVideos [ansto]