Dear feff community, I'm aware that the issue of CFAVERAGE not creating a xmu.dat output file has already been discussed some years ago for feff 8.2; back then it was suggested to make some changes in the source code and recompile or wait for a newer version of feff in which this bug would be fixed. However, I'm running feff 9.0 and I still seem to have this issue. When using the CFAVERAGE card, no xmu.dat or chi.dat output is being created. Do I still need to manipulate the source code do fix that? Many thanks, Marian. Marian Dreher, Dipl. Chem. PhD Student, Catalytic Process Engineering Group Paul Scherrer Institut General Energy Research (ENE) Laboratory for Bioenergy and Catalysis Office: OLGA/221 CH-5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)56 310 2937 email: