Thanks to the templating of the installer creation process by Matt, I have made an installer for Mac OS X 10.4. I just wanted to describe what the installer does to answer a few questions before they are asked. The Mac installer (10.3 and 10.4 as well) are essentially snapshots of the appropriate libraries on a system in which ifeffit and horae have been installed. As such they do not check carefully (although maybe they should and will in the future), the version of the Mac OS they are running under and will simply overwrite files with the same name. Having said this, it is hard to see how what is being written (namely Perl, Perl/Tk and the Ifeffit directory) could cause problems for other applications, but as 10.3 and 10.4 have different versions of perl, a 10.4 installation on a 10.3 system will probably (I actually haven't checked) result in a horae that won't work. For those who have already gotten things running on Tiger and have a slightly older version of horae (let's say -54), the installer will update you to the latest version, but it is probably easier (if you have an internet connection and a fortran compiler) to run "sudo horae_update" which will just download the necessary bits of horae and compile them in front of you. This installer has not been carefully checked by an army of beta testers. I have installed it on my system (and horae still worked) so I assume it is working. I am very interested in hearing of problems so they can be fixed before anyone encounters them. Thanks. Paul