Hi Feng, Sorry for the trouble. I'm not sure where the problem is. I can get files from the Atoms archive from home (ie, outside the Argonne network), and I don't see any recent errors in the logs, suggesting that both the server connections and the access through the Argonne and APS firewalls are working. Could it be that the trouble is at your end? Perhaps we can troubleshoot this a little better. Does the 'search for Atoms.inp' page http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~newville/adb/search.html appear for you? Is it responsive? Can you select a central atoms, a structure, and then hit 'Run Webatoms'? Can you browse to http://cars9.uchicago.edu/atomsdb/ and see a large number of atoms.inp files? Can you select and download some of these files? Hope that helps, --Matt