Dear GSE Users, As you may know, we are making good progress on upgrading our beamline to use canted undulators and double the amount of undulator beamtime available at sector 13. A new 3.0cm period undulator is in place and working well for the 13-ID-C/D branch, providing laser-heated DAC, 1000-ton press, and Surface Scattering capabilities. A new monochromator for this branch will be installed for the 2012-2 run, and should be more stable and be able to reach higher energies (up to 65keV) than the current monochromator. We expect to take 1 week of commissioning for the 13-ID-C/D branch, and use the rest of the time for General User Proposals. For the 13-ID-E branch, providing x-ray microprobe capabilities, we will be commissioning all new x-ray optics (undulator, monochromator, deflecting mirrors, secondary source aperture, focusing mirrors) during the 2012-2 run, and be learning how to use the lower energy range of this beamline. Because we have no optics installed yet and expect to need a significant amount of commissioning time, we will not be scheduling General User Proposals for 13-ID-E prior to the 2012-2 run. We may be able to run some experiments in August, but are uncomfortable scheduling beamtime until we actually have x-rays in 13-ID-E. The APS scheduling system will allow you to submit a proposal and request beamtime for 13-ID-E in 2012-2. If you are interested in possibly doing early experiments in August, please submit a proposal and contact Steve Sutton (sutton@cars.uchicago.edu), Matt Newville (newville@cars.uchicago.edu), or Tony Lanzirotti (lanzirotti@cars.uchicago.edu). We do expect that 13-ID-E will be running close to full time in 2012-3, and proposals submitted for 2012-2 will only need to submit a beamtime request if we cannot run them during the summer. Deadline for 2012-2 (May 30 - August 23, 2012) proposals is Friday, March 9, 2012. Thank you, Nancy Lazarz The University of Chicago Building 434A, Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Ave. Argonne, IL 60439 Phone : 630.252.0423 Fax : 630.252.0436 Email : lazarz@cars.uchicago.edu
participants (1)
Nancy Lazarz