We want you to help guide EarthCube, a bold new NSF initiative to create an integrated data and knowledge management system for the geosciences. Researchers funded by NSF want to know your views on the needs in data and cyberinfrastructure across the geosciences. Because data discovery, access, and use is such an integral part of what we all do now, we encourage you to click the following link and take the survey ASAP http://sgiz.mobi/s3/EarthCube-Stakeholder-Consent-PA * We also encourage you to register on the EarthCube website ( http://earthcube.ning.com/) and get involved in the conversations that are taking place about EarthCube. Survey results will be shared with NSF, posted on the EarthCube website, and presented at the EarthCube community meeting this June. *This link takes you to a survey to capture your view on how to best advance data-enabled geoscience. Your participation is voluntary. Your identity will be kept separate from your responses and be kept strictly confidential. Only aggregate findings will be reported. As for all surveys of this kind, it starts with a voluntary consent form. Please share your views by clicking on the above link and tell us what you think. Barbara Ransom, PhD GEO Lead, EarthCube Planning and Execution Team Program Director, Marine Geology and Geophysics National Science Foundation phone: (703) 292-7792