import numpy as np import pylab from larch import Interpreter, Group # now import larch-specific Python code from larch_plugins.xafs import autobk, xftf # create a larch interpreter, passed to most functions my_larch = Interpreter(with_plugins=False) # create an empty Group xafsdat = Group() # read data (here using np.loadtxt), stick into Group # using "expected names" for XAFS data rawdata = np.loadtxt('../xafsdata/fe2o3_rt1.xmu') = rawdata[:, 0] = rawdata[:, 1] xafsdat.i0 = rawdata[:, 1] # run autobk on the xafsdat Group, including a larch Interpreter.... # note that this expects 'energy' and 'mu' to be in xafsdat, and will # write data for 'k', 'chi', 'kwin', 'e0', ... into xafsdat autobk(xafsdat, rbkg=1.0, kweight=2, _larch=my_larch) # Fourier transform to R space, again passing in a Group (here, # 'k' and 'chi' are expected, and writitng out 'r', 'chir_mag', # and so on xftf(xafsdat, kmin=2, kmax=15, dk=3, kweight=2, _larch=my_larch) # # plot grid of results: # mu + bkg pylab.subplot(2, 2, 1) pylab.plot(, xafsdat.bkg, 'r--') pylab.plot(, pylab.xlabel('Energy (eV)') # normalized XANES # find array bounds for normalized mu(E) for [e0 - 25: e0 + 75] j0 = np.abs( - 25.0)).argmin() j1 = np.abs( + 75.0)).argmin() pylab.subplot(2, 2, 2) pylab.plot([j0:j1], xafsdat.norm[j0:j1]) pylab.xlabel('Energy (eV)') # chi(k) pylab.subplot(2, 2, 3) pylab.plot(xafsdat.k, xafsdat.chi*xafsdat.k**2) pylab.plot(xafsdat.k, xafsdat.kwin, 'r--') pylab.xlabel(r'$ k (\AA^{-1}) $') pylab.ylabel(r'$ k^2 \chi(\AA^{-2}) $') # chi(R) pylab.subplot(2, 2, 4) pylab.plot(xafsdat.r, xafsdat.chir_mag) pylab.plot(xafsdat.r, xafsdat.chir_re, 'r--') pylab.xlabel(r'$ R (\AA) $') pylab.ylabel(r'$ \chi(R) (\AA^{-3}) $')