============================================== XAFS: Post-edge Background Subtraction ============================================== .. :noindex: module:: larch.xafs Background subtraction is one of the most important data processing steps in EXAFS analysis, converting the measured :math:`\mu(E)` into the :math:`\chi(k)` ready for quantitative analysis. In Larch, this step is performed by the :func:`autobk` function, which has many options and subtleties. This section is devoted to background subtraction with the :func:`autobk` function and the underlying algorithm it uses. The :func:`autobk` function ============================= .. function:: autobk(energy, mu=None, group=None, rbkg=1.0, ...) Determine the post-edge background function, :math:`\mu_0(E)`, and corresponding :math:`\chi(k)`. :param energy: 1-d array of x-ray energies, in eV :param mu: 1-d array of :math:`\mu(E)` :param group: output group (and input group for ``e0`` and ``edge_step``). :param rbkg: distance (in :math:`\rm\AA`) for :math:`\chi(R)` above which the signal is ignored. Default = 1. :param e0: edge energy, in eV. If `None`, it will be determined. :param edge_step: edge step. If `None`, it will be determined. :param pre_edge_kws: dictionary containing keyword arguments to pass to :func:`pre_edge`. :param nknots: number of knots in spline. If `None`, it will be determined. :param kmin: minimum :math:`k` value [0] :param kmax: maximum :math:`k` value [``None``, full data range]. :param kweight: :math:`k` weight for FFT. [1] :param dk: FFT window window parameter. [0.1] :param win: FFT window function name. ['hanning'] :param nfft: array size to use for FFT [2048] :param kstep: :math:`k` step size to use for FFT [0.05] :param k_std: optional :math:`k` array for standard :math:`\chi(k)` [``None``] :param chi_std: optional :math:`\chi` array for standard :math:`\chi(k)` [``None``] :param nclamp: number of energy end-points for clamp [2] :param clamp_lo: weight of low-energy clamp [1] :param clamp_hi: weight of high-energy clamp [1] :param calc_uncertaintites: Flag to calculate uncertainties in :math:`\mu_0(E)` and :math:`\chi(k)` [``True``] :param err_sigma: sigma level for uncertainties in mu_0(E) and chi(k) [1] :returns: ``None``. Follows the First Argument Group convention, using group members named ``energy`` and ``mu``. The following data is put into the output group: ================= =============================================================== attribute meaning ================= =============================================================== bkg array of :math:`\mu_0(E)` (not normalized) chie array of :math:`\chi(E)` values. k array of :math:`k` values, on uniform grid. chi array of :math:`\chi(k)` values, the EXAFS. *delta_chi* array of uncertainty in :math:`\chi(k)`. *delta_bkg* array of uncertainty in :math:`\mu_0(E)`. autobk_details Group of arrays with autobk details. ================= =============================================================== Here, the arrays ``group.k``, ``group.chi`` will be the same length, giving :math:`\chi(k)` from 0 to a maximum k value set by ``kmax`` or the range of available data. The arrays ``group.bkg`` and ``group.chie`` will correspond to the input ``energy`` array. The parameters ``e0`` and ``edge_step`` are needed to determine :math:`\chi(k)`, and can be specified here. If they are not, but the input ``group`` has attributes ``e0`` and ``edge_step`` -- say, from running :func:`pre_edge` -- those values will be used. If values cannot be found in either place, they will be determined by calling :func:`pre_edge` from within :func:`autobk`, and the output parameters from :func:`pre_edge` will be added to the output ``group`` here. The ``pre_edge_kws`` argument can be used here to hold a dictionary of parameters to pass to :func:`pre_edge`. If ``calc_uncertainties`` is set to ``True``, the outputs ``group.delta_chi`` and ``group.delta_bkg``, holding the uncertainties in :math:`\chi(k)` and :math:`\mu_0(E)`, respectively. These calculations are relatively costly, and can take 20 times longer to determine :math:`\chi(k)` and :math:`\mu_0(E)` themselves. The ``group.autobk_details`` group will contain the following attributes: ================= =========================================================== attribute meaning ================= =========================================================== spline_pars Parameters used for determining :math:`\mu_0(E)` spline. init_bkg Initial value for :math:`\mu_0(E)` init_chi Initial value for :math:`\chi(k)` knots_e Spline knot energies knots_y Spline knot values init_knots_y Initial Spline knot values ================= =========================================================== The AUTOBK Algorithm ====================== The background subtraction method used is the **AUTOBK** algorithm (see :cite:`autobk`), in which a spline function is matched to the low-*R* components of the resulting :math:`\chi(k)`. For reference, :math:`k = \sqrt{2m_e (E-E_0)/\hbar^2}` is the wavenumber of the ejected photo-electron, where :math:`E_0` is the absorption threshold energy (the 0 of photo-electron energy). For :math:`k` in units of :math:`\rm \AA^{-1}` and :math:`E` in units of eV, :math:`k \approx \sqrt{(E-E_0)/3.81}`. With this conversion of energy to wavenumber, :math:`\chi(k)` is defined from :math:`\chi(E) = \frac{\mu(E)-\mu_0(E)}{\Delta\mu}` where :math:`\mu_0(E)` represents the idealized x-ray absorption of a bare atom, embedded in the molecular or solid environment, but without scattering of the outgoing photo-electron that gives rise to the EXAFS, and :math:`\Delta\mu` is the edge step in :math:`\mu(E)`. The quantity :math:`\mu_0(E)` cannot be independently measured. Instead, we empirically determine it here given the dxta for :math:`\mu(E)` by fitting a spline (a piece-polynomial function that is easily adjusted even while its smoothness is controlled) to :math:`\mu(E)`. An advantage to what could easily be described as an *ad hoc* approach is that the data for :math:`\mu(E)` can include many systematic drifts and dependencies that are slowly varying with energy. The definition above normalizes to the edge step :math:`\Delta\mu` (``edge_step``) instead of the energy-dependent :math:`\mu_0(E)`, as is often described in introductory texts on EXAFS. The reason for this is essentially the same -- so that we do not need to carefully take care of slow energy drifts in the measured :math:`\mu(E)` or worry about having an absolute measure of :math:`\mu(E)`. :math:`R_{\rm bkg}` and spline for :math:`\mu_0(E)` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A spline is a general mathematical function, and so using one to match :math:`\mu(E)` that we will subtract from the same :math:`\mu(E)` could easily match *too* well, and erase much of the data we're interested in. Therefore, we have to carefully consider two aspects: 1. what portions of the spectrum we want it to match, and 2. how flexible the spline can be. What we want is a :math:`\mu_0(E)` that removes the low frequency (low-*R*) portions of the :math:`\chi` spectra, and recognizing this can tell us how to determine both of these. First, since we know the EXAFS oscillations do not extend far below the near-neighbor distance and since atoms are essentially never closer than 1 :math:`\rm\AA`, and generally more like 2 :math:`\rm\AA`, we can say that we want to remove the frequencies of :math:`\chi` below some distance, :math:`R_{\rm bkg}` (``rbkg``). That is, we want the spline function to be adjusted so that the components of :math:`\chi(R)` below :math:`R_{\rm bkg}` are minimized. We can use a default of 1 :math:`\rm\AA`, and recommend that the value be roughly half the expected near-neighbor distance. To do this, we create a spline function consisting of :math:`N_{\rm knots}` adjustable points (*knots* in the spline, where the second derivatives are allowed to change), evenly spaced in :math:`k` (that is, quadratic in energy). We do a fit that adjusts the values of the function at each knot, computes :math:`\mu_0(E)` by simple spline interpolation, calculates :math:`\chi(k)`, does a Fourier transform to :math:`\chi(R)`, and then seeks to minimize the components of :math:`\chi(R)` below :math:`R_{\rm bkg}`. This leads to the second question of how flexible to make the spline is answered from basic signal processing through the `Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem `_, which tells us how many adjustable parameters to use for our spline: .. math:: N_{\rm knots} = 1 + \frac{2R_{\rm bkg} \Delta k}{\pi} where :math:`\Delta k` is the :math:`k` range of the data. This value can be over-ridden by specifing ``nknots``, but this is strongly recommended against. In this way we satisfy both considerations above: limiting the number of knots prevents the spline from being able to follow the frequencies of :math:`\chi(k)` we care about most, and limiting the portion of the spectrum to be minimized to the very low-:math:`R` components, we do not even try to match those frequencies. Thus, we are ensured of a :math:`\mu_0(E)` that only removes the low-:math:`R` components of :math:`\chi`. Selecting Fourier transform parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to determine :math:`\mu_0(E)`, we must do a Fourier transform. These are discussed in more detail in the next section, but here we give the parameters affecting the Fourier transform used, and their default values. ========== ====================== ============================================ argument meaning default, recommended values ========== ====================== ============================================ kmin :math:`k_{\rm min}` 0. should be below 1.0 kmax :math:`k_{\rm max}` highest :math:`k` value. Useful data range. kweight :math:`kw` 1. should be 0 or 1 (but not > 2) win window function name Hanning, Parzen works well too. dk window sill size 0. should be 0 or 1 nfft FFT array size 2048. No reason to change this. kstep :math:`k` step size 0.05. No reason to change this. ========== ====================== ============================================ The most important point is that the Fourier transform used to fit and visualize :math:`\chi(k)` is not necessarily the one to use here. In particular, the ``kweight`` parameter should be 0 or 1 here, as we want to emphasize the low-:math:`k` portion of :math:`\chi(k)`. The default parameter values for :func:`autobk` are generally sufficient, and need only minor adjustments except in unusual cases. Using a standard :math:`\chi(k)` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We said above that we want to minimize the low-:math:`R` components of :math:`\chi`. In principle, there should be some leakage of the first shell to fairly low-:math:`R`. This is especially noticeable for a short ligand (say, below 1.75 :math:`\rm\AA` or so) of a low-Z atom (notably, C, N, and O). Normally, this is not a serious problem, but it does point out that :math:`\mu_0(E)` might want to leave some first-shell leakage at low-:math:`R`. To accout for this, you can proved a spectrum of :math:`\chi(k)` for a standard that is meant to be close to the spectrum being analyzed. This is done by providing 2 arrays: ``k_std`` and ``chi_std``, which need to be the same lenth. By providing these, the best values for :math:`\mu_0(E)` will be those that minimize the Fourier transorm of the difference of :math:`\chi(k)` for the data and standard. This can be especially helpful to give more consistent background for a set of related spectra. End-point clamps for the spline ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because the spline is chosen to match the low-:math:`R` components of :math:`\chi`, the process does not even look at how the resulting :math:`\mu_0(E)` looks. This can lead to some unstable behavior at the end-points of the spline, causing :math:`\chi(k)` to diverge at the ends. This can be remedied by adding *clamps* to the end-points of :math:`chi(k)` to the fit. That is, a few points at the low- and high-ends of the :math:`\chi(k)` array are appended to the array to be minimized in the fit, which has the tendency to push the end-points of :math:`\chi(k)` to zero. There are three parameters influencing these end-points clamps. ``nclamp`` sets the number of data points of :math:`\chi(k)` at the beginning and end of the :math:`k` range to add to the fit. ``clamp_lo`` sets the weighting factor applied to the first ``nclamp`` points for the low-:math:`k` end fo the data range, and ``clamp_hi`` sets the weighting factor applied to the last ``nclamp`` points at the high-:math:`k` end. There is not an easy way to determine ahead of time what the clamp parameters will be. Typically, ``nclamp`` need only be 1 to 5 data points (with 2 being the default). Setting ``nclamp`` to 0 will remove the clamps completely. Values for ``clamp_lo`` and ``clamp_hi`` are floating point numbers, and should range from about 1 (the default) to 10 or 20 for a very strong clamp that will almost certainly force :math:`\chi(k)` to be 0 at the end-points. Recommendations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here, we give a few recommendations on what parameters most affect the background subtraction. These parameters are (in roughly increasing order): 0. ``rbkg``: This is the main parameter that sets how flaexible the spline function can be. 1. ``e0``: It can be hard to know what :math:`E_0` should be for any XAFS spectra. As this sets the value of :math:`k=0`, it will affect the location of the knots, and can have a profound affect on the results. If you're unhappy with the :math:`\mu_0(E)` and :math:`\chi(k)`, playing with the ``e0`` parameter. 2. ``kweight``: Increasing this emphasizes the fit at high *k*. Trying both values of 0 and 1 is always a good idea. 3. ``clamp_lo`` and ``clamp_hi``: If :math:`\mu_0(E)` swoops up or down at the endpoints too much, increasing these values can help greatly. Examples ============ Here, we give a few examples using :func:`autobk`, and outline some of its features. Basic example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The simplest example of reading data and doing background subtraction would using all the default inputs would be: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/xafs/doc_autobk1.lar with the resulting outputs looking like this: .. subfigstart:: .. _fig_xafs2a: .. figure:: _images/xafs_autobk1a.png :target: _images/xafs_autobk1a.png :width: 100% :align: center :math:`\mu(E)` and background :math:`\mu_0(E)` .. _fig_xafs2b: .. figure:: _images/xafs_autobk1b.png :target: _images/xafs_autobk1b.png :width: 100% :align: center resulting :math:`k\chi(k)` .. subfigend:: :width: 0.45 :label: fig-xafs2 Example of simple usage of :func:`autobk` for Cu metal. Thus demonstrating that we can process data on Cu metal. For a slightly more challenging example, we try the As K-edge of scorodite (:math:`\rm FeAsO4 \cdot (nH_2O)`). Here, we start by reading in data and constructing :math:`\mu(E)`, then run :func:`autobk`. We take most of the default values for pararmeters, but pass explicit parameters such as ``nnorm`` to :func:`pre_edge` using ``pre_edge_kws``. Setting these parameters is not critically important for this data set, and is mostly here to demonstrate the method for passing arguments to :func:`pre_edge`. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/xafs/doc_autobk2.lar The resulting outputs looks OK: .. subfigstart:: .. _fig-xafs3a: .. figure:: _images/xafs_autobk2a.png :target: _images/xafs_autobk2a.png :width: 100% .. _fig-xafs3b: .. figure:: _images/xafs_autobk2b.png :target: _images/xafs_autobk2b.png :width: 100% .. subfigend:: :width: 0.45 :label: fig-xafs3 Example usage of :func:`autobk` for :math:`\rm FeAsO4 \cdot (nH_2O)`. A close examimation of :math:`k^2\chi(k)` suggests we might be able to do better, which brings us to the next section. Adjusting spline clamps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the scorodite example above, the XAFS diverges from 0 at the high-:math:`k` end of the spectra. Playing with the spline clamps discussed above, we try a few options to study the effect of adding a clamp: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/xafs/doc_autobk3.lar results in the following comparison: .. _xafs_fig4: .. figure:: _images/xafs_autobk3.png :target: _images/xafs_autobk3.png :width: 65% Influence of spline clamps of :math:`\chi(k)` Using a Standard :math:`\chi(k)` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since the EXAFS contribution from the first shell is not perfectly isolated in :math:`R`, it can leak into portion of :math:`\chi(R)` below :math:`R_{\rm bkg}`. It may be desirable to not simply reduce the portion of :math:`\chi(R)` below :math:`R_{\rm bkg}`, but to account for the expected leakage from the first shell. To do this, you can provide a *standard* :math:`\chi(k)` spectrum that will simulate the first shell by specify arrays for `k_std` and `chi_std` arrays to the :func:`autobk` function. As an example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/xafs/doc_autobk4.lar