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Last modified: Sun Nov 23 12:35:26 2014.
NAME: EPICS_AD_DISPLAY PURPOSE: This procedure is a general purpose routine to display EPICS arrays as images. It uses either the built-in IDL routine TV for simple image display, or our routine IMAGE_DISPLAY to perform interactive pan, zoom and scroll, live update of row and column profiles, etc. CATEGORY: Imaging CALLING SEQUENCE: EPICS_AD_DISPLAY, ImagePV INPUTS: ImagePV: The base name of an areaDetector NDStdArrays object that contains the image data. This name is the $(P)$(R) values passed to NDStdArrays.template when the EPICS database is loaded. This database contains not only the image data itself, but also PVs that contain the image dimensions, etc. PROCEDURE: This procedure simply create a new object of class EPICS_AD_DISPLAY. See the documentation for EPICS_AD_DISPLAY for more information. PREBUILT VERSION: In addition to the source code version of these files, the file epics_ad_display.sav is included in the distribution tar file. This file can be run for free (no IDL license needed) with the IDL Virtual Machine. IMPORTANT NOTES: The environment variable EZCA_IDL_SHARE must be set to point to the complete path to the shareable library (Linux, Unix, and Mac) or ezcaIDL.dll (Windows). Note that the ezcaIDL shareable library or DLL must be built with EPICS R3.14 or later in order to use arrays larger than 16000 bytes. The environment variable EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES must be set to at least the number of bytes in the the image data array. EXAMPLE: IDL> epics_ad_display, 'GSE-PILATUS1:Image1:' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers (21-Jul-2007)
NAME: EPICS_AD_DISPLAY::INIT PURPOSE: The EPICS_IMAGE_DISPLAY class provides a general purpose routine to display EPICS arrays as images. It uses either TV for simple but fast display, or IMAGE_DISPLAY to perform interactive pan, zoom and scroll, live update of row and column profiles, etc. This function initializes an object of class EPICS_AD_DISPLAY. It is not called directly, but is called indirectly when a new object of class EPICS_IMAGE_DISPLAY is created via OBJ_NEW('EPICS_IMAGE_DISPLAY') The EPICS_AD_DISPLAY object creates simple GUI display which provides widgets to control the EPICS PV to display, the number of rows and columns in the images, inverting in the Y direction, enable/disable, and a status display. EPICS_AD_DISPLAY waits new data for the EPICS array, and then displays the new image. CATEGORY: Imaging CALLING SEQUENCE: obj = OBJ_NEW('EPICS_AD_DISPLAY', ImagePV) INPUTS: ImagePV: The base name of an areaDetector NDStdArrays object that contains the image data. This name is the $(P)$(R) values passed to NDStdArrays.template when the EPICS database is loaded. This database contains not only the image data itself, but also PVs that contain the image dimensions, etc. In order to display images that contain more than 16000 bytes (which most images do!) it is necessary that both the EPICS server (e.g. IOC) and the EPICS client (i.e. or ezcaIDL.dll) be built with EPICS 3.14 or later. Furthermore, one must set the environment variable EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES to be at least the size of the image array data. This must be done on both the client and server machines. For example, with the Pilatus detector we typically set EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES=500000. OUTPUTS: This function returns 1 to indicate that the object was successfully created. REQUIREMENTS: This function requires IMAGE_DISPLAY__DEFINE.PRO, GET_FONT_NAME.PRO, and ezcaIDL. EZCA_IDL requires the shareable library ( or ezcaIDL.dll) that contains the functions used to communicate with EPICS. EXAMPLE: IDL> obj = OBJ_NEW('EPICS_IMAGE_DISPLAY', 'GSE-PILATUS1:ImageData', nx=487, ny=195) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers (1-March-2008).
NAME: IMAGE_DISPLAY PURPOSE: This procedure is a general purpose image display routine. It allows interactive pan, zoom and scroll, live update of row and column profiles, etc. CATEGORY: Imaging CALLING SEQUENCE: IMAGE_DISPLAY, Data, Object_ref INPUTS: Data: A 2-D array to be displayed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: This procedure simply passes all keywords to IMAGE_DISPLAY::INIT by the keyword inheritence mechanism (_EXTRA). See the documentation for IMAGE_DISPLAY::INIT for more information. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: Object_ref: The object reference for the resulting IMAGE_DISPLAY object. This is useful for controlling the IMAGE_DISPLAY object from other routines. PROCEDURE: This procedure simply create a new object of class IMAGE_DISPLAY. See the documentation for the IMAGE_DISPLAY class library for more information. EXAMPLE: IDL> a = DIST(512) IDL> image_display, a MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers (3-DEC-1998)
NAME: IMAGE_DISPLAY::INIT PURPOSE: This function initializes an object of class IMAGE_DISPLAY. It is not called directly, but is called indirectly when a new object of class IMAGE_DISPLAY is created via OBJ_NEW('IMAGE_DISPLAY') The IMAGE_DISPLAY object is a GUI display which provides interactive pan, zoom and scroll, live update of row and column profiles, etc. CATEGORY: Imaging CALLING SEQUENCE: obj = OBJ_NEW('IMAGE_DISPLAY', Data) INPUTS: Data: A 2-D array to be displayed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: XSIZE: The number of pixels horizontally in the image window. Default is the greater of 400 pixels or the xsize of Data. YSIZE: The number of pixels vertically in the image window. Default is the greater of 400 pixels or the ysize of Data. XDIST: An array containing the user units ("distance") of the X axis pixels. Dimensions must be same as xsize of Data. YDIST: An array containing the user units ("distance") of the Y axis pixels. Dimensions must be same as ysize of Data. MIN: The minimum display intensity. Default=min(Data). MAX: The maximum display intensity. Default=max(Data). TITLE: The title to give the display window. SUBTITLE: The subtitle to give the display window. ORDER: The order in which to display the image. 0=bottom to top 1=top to bottom Default = !ORDER system variable when this function is called. OUTPUTS: This function returns 1 to indicate that the object was successfully created. EXAMPLE: IDL> a = DIST(512) IDL> obj = OBJ_NEW('IMAGE_DISPLAY', a) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers (3-DEC-1998) 3-APR-1999 MLR Fixed so that it will reform input array if it is greater than 2-D but with some dimensions=1, e.g. Data = intarr(100,1,100), which happens frequently when extracting slices from 3-D data 23-SEP-1999 MN Added code to write JPEG file 12-APR-2001 MLR Added cleanup code so that the image_display object and all pointers are free when the user closes the window. 11-JUN-2001 MN Added dropdown menu for output types (JPEG, BMP, PNG), and added 'title' and 'subtitle' keywords which are displayed in the window title 17-JAN-2001 MLR Delete line that called "a2f". Line did nothing and a2f is not needed. 27-APR-2002 MLR Added order keywords to write_jpeg and write_png so images are correct side up. Fixed bug in plotting vertical column profile if self.image_window.order=1, thanks to Peter Vontobel of Swiss Light Source. 4-JUN-2002 MLR Added "title" keyword to image_display::display_image and "leave_mouse" keyword to other routines. These changes allow tomo_display:: to scroll though 2-D slices in a 3-D volume quickly and easily. 27-APR-2006 MLR Added "tiff" output option 21-NOV-2007 MLR Added order keyword and order widget, no longer use !order except at startup Added RETAIN keyword to SCALE_IMAGE, to preserve zoom, center and intensity scaling. Added autoscale widget for automatically scaling display range.
NAME: IMAGE_DISPLAY::SCALE_IMAGE PURPOSE: This routine displays a new image in an existing IMAGE_DISPLAY object. CATEGORY: Imaging CALLING SEQUENCE: image_data->SCALE_IMAGE, Data INPUTS: Data: A 2-D array to be displayed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: XDIST: An array containing the user units ("distance") of the X axis pixels. Dimensions must be same as xsize of Data. YDIST: An array containing the user units ("distance") of the Y axis pixels. Dimensions must be same as ysize of Data. MIN: The minimum display intensity. Default=min(Data). MAX: The maximum display intensity. Default=max(Data). ZOOM: A scaler or 2-element (X,Y) array of integer zoom factors. Default = 1 in each direction. ZOOM=2 will zoom 2X in both directions, ZOOM=[1,2] will zoom 1X in X, 2X in Y. CENTER: The location where the center of the image should be located in the display window. The default is the center of the display window. CENTER=[200,300] will center the image at X=200, Y=300 NOERASE: Set this flag to not erase the window before displaying the image. Allows multiple images to share a window. INTERPOLATE: Zoom the image by interpolation rather than replication. REPLICATE: Zoom the image by replication rather than interpolation. TITLE: The title to give the display window. SUBTITLE: The subtitle to give the display window. ORDER: The order in which to display the image. 0=bottom to top 1=top to bottom Default = Existing order LEAVE_MOUSE: Set this keyword to not move the mouse to the center of the new image display. RETAIN: Set this keyword to not reset the zoom and intensity scaling when when the new data are displayed. This requires that the dimensions of the image be the same as the image currently displayed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers (3-DEC-1998) 20-Nov-2007 MLR Added ORDER and RETAIN keywords. EXAMPLE: IDL> a = DIST(512) IDL> obj = OBJ_NEW('IMAGE_DISPLAY', a) IDL> obj->SCALE_IMAGE, a+100, /RETAIN
NAME: MAKE_MOVIE PURPOSE: This procedure plays a 3-D array as a movie either: - On the screen - To an MPEG file on disk (deprecated) - To an MP4 file on disk - To a series of JPEG files on disk - To a series of TIFF files on disk CATEGORY: Image display. CALLING SEQUENCE: MAKE_MOVIE, Volume INPUTS: Volume: A 3-D array of any numeric data type. This input is ignored if the FILE keyword is used. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE: The name of a file to be used as input, rather than passing the Volume array. This file is read with READ_TOMO_VOLUME(). BUFFER_SIZE: When reading a large file from disk with the FILE keyword, this keyword controls the size of the memory buffer used for reading the file. If the size of the file is larger than the buffer size then the file is read in "chunks". This allows displaying files larger than the physical or virtual memory of the system would otherwise permit. The units are voxels, not bytes. The default is to read the entire file. MIN: The minimum value of the data display range. This sets the low end of the grey scale range. All values less than this will be appear black when using a linear grey scale. The default is the minimum value of the data in the entire Volume array. MAX: The maximum value of the data display range. This sets the high end of the grey scale range. All values greater than this will be appear white when using a linear grey scale. The default is the maximum value of the data in the entire Volume array. SCALE: A scale factor to increase or decrease the size of the displayed images relative to the size of the Volume array. SCALE=2 will double the size of the displayed images, SCALE=3 will display the images at 3 times their normal size, etc. SCALE=-2 will display the images at half their normal size, SCALE=-3 one-third their normal size, etc. The default is 1, i.e. no scaling. INDEX: This keyword controls which dimension of the Volume array is animated. Allowed values are 1, 2 and 3. The following table shows the result of setting this keyword: INDEX frame[i] 1 Volume[i,*,*] 2 Volume[*,i,*] 3 Volume[*,*,i] The default is 3, i.e. the last dimension of the Volume array is the one which is animated. START: The first frame to display. The default is 0. STOP: The last frame to display. The default is the highest value of the selected index. STEP: The array increment from one frame to the next. The default is 1. WAIT: The delay time from one frame to the next in floating point seconds. The default is 0., i.e. frames are diplayed as fast as possible. This keyword has no effect if the JPEG_FILE or MPEG_FILE keywords are used. WINDOW: The window number if the movie is being displayed on the screen. The window will be created to be exactly the right size to display the movie. The default is 0. MPEG_FILE: The name of an MPEG file to which the output should be written. If this keyword is used then this procedure does not display its output on the screen but rather creates an MPEG file. NOTE: IDL requires a special (free) license upgrade to write MPEG files. See the IDL Web site for details. MP4_FILE: The name of an MP4 file to which the output should be written. If this keyword is used then this procedure does not display its output on the screen but rather creates an MP4 file. MP4 files are written using the IDL WRITE_VIDEO procedure which was added in IDL 8.2.3. JPEG_FILE: The base name of an JPEG file to which the output should be written. If this keyword is used then this procedure does not display its output on the screen but rather creates a series of JPEG files. A sequence number and the extension .jpg are appended to this base name. The file names are thus of the form 'my_jpeg_name_0001.jpg', 'my_jpeg_name_0002.jpg', etc. The system variable !order is used to determine whether the files are written bottom to top or top to bottom. TIFF_FILE: The base name of an TIFF file to which the output should be written. If this keyword is used then this procedure does not display its output on the screen but rather creates a series of TIFF files. A sequence number and the extension .tif are appended to this base name. The file names are thus of the form 'my_jpeg_name_0001.tif', 'my_jpeg_name_0002.tif', etc. The system variable !order is used to determine whether the files are written bottom to top or top to bottom. UNSCALED_TIFF Set this flag to write unscaled TIFF files. If this flag is not set then the TIFF files are scaled to 8-bits using the MIN and MAX. If this flag is set then the TIFF files are unscaled, and their data type will be the same as the input VOL array, for example 16-bit signed integers. QUALITY: The quality factor for JPEG and MPEG files. See the help for WRITE_JPEG for more information on using this keyword for JPEG files. See the help for MPEG_OPEN for more information on using this keyword for MPEG files. For MPEG files this keyword is only allowed for IDL 5.4 and higher. Default=90. FPS The Frames Per Second for MP4 files. This is passed as the VIDEO_FPS keyword to WRITE_VIDEO. The default is 30. BPS The bits per second MP4 files. This is passed as the BIT_RATE keyword to WRITE_VIDEO. This keyword controls the quality and size of the MP4 file. Larger values (e.g. 1e6) produce larger files with higher quality, while smaller values (e.g. 1e4) produce smaller files with lower quality. Default=1e4. For typical 16-bit tomography data this produces a file which is about 0.7% of the size of the original with reasonably good quality. BPS=1e5 produces a file that is about 7% of the original size with excellent quality. COLOR A flag which indicates that the JPEG, MPEG, or MP4 output files should be in color, using the current color table, rather than black and white. LABEL: A flag which indicates that the current frame number should be drawn as a label on the screen. This is useful for determining which frames interesting features appear in, for use later with IMAGE_DISPLAY or other routines. STATUS_WIDGET: The widget ID of a text widget used to display the status of the preprocessing operation. If this is a valid widget ID then informational messages will be written to this widget. ABORT_WIDGET The widget ID of a widget used to abort the preprocessing operation. If this is a valid widget ID then the "uvalue" of this widget will be checked periodically. If it is 1 then this routine will clean up and return immediately. OUTPUTS: This procedure does not return any output to IDL. It displays images on the screen using the IDL TV procedure, or writes output to disk if JPEG_FILE, MPEG_FILE or MP4_FILE is used. SIDE EFFECTS: Displays images on the screen using the IDL TV procedure, or writes output to disk if JPEG_FILE, JPEG_FILE, or MP4_FILE is used. PROCEDURE: This procedure converts each frame to an 8-bit array using the IDL BYTSCL function and then either displays it on the screen using the TV procedure, writes it to an MPEG file, an MP4 file, or to a series of JPEG or TIFF files. EXAMPLE: ; Display an array as a movie scanning through the first dimension of the ; array, forcing the black level to be 1000, and waiting 0.2 seconds ; between frames MAKE_MOVIE, Volume, index=1, wait=.2, min=1000 ; Create an MPEG movie of an array scanning through the last dimension ; (default) of the array, forcing the white level to be 10000. MAKE_MOVIE, Volume, max=10000, mpeg_file='movie1.mpeg' ; Create a series of JPEG files of an array scanning through the last dimension ; (default) of the array, forcing the white level to be 10000. MAKE_MOVIE, Volume, max=10000, jpeg_file='my_jpegs' ; Create a series of JPEG files of disk file scanning through the first dimension ; of the array, forcing the white level to be 5000. Set a buffer size of ; 200,000,000 voxels (400MB for 16 bit data) MAKE_MOVIE, file='my_volume.dat', max=5000, index=1, jpeg_file='my_volume_X', $ buffer_size=2e8 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, April 26, 1999. Merged previous routines TOMO_MOVIE and WRITE_MPEG June 27, 2000 MLR Changed position of label slightly for legibility Sep. 29, 2000 MLR Added JPEG_FILE and QUALITY keywords. Feb. 27, 2001 MLR Added COLOR keyword for color JPEG and MPEG files. Made QUALITY keyword apply to MPEG files if the IDL version is 5.4 or higher. Nov. 5, 2001 MLR Added the FILE and BUFFER_SIZE keywords. Nov. 22, 2001 MLR Added the ABORT_WIDGET and STATUS_WIDGET keywords Nov. 24, 2001 MLR Added the WINDOW keyword Apr. 26, 2002 MLR Worked around bug in MPEG_PUT, movies were upside down relative to on-screen and JPEG files. Jan. 9, 2004 MLR Added TIFF_FILE keyword Nov. 30, 2004 MLR Put MPEG and JPEG output through lookup table if COLOR=0.
NAME: VOLUME_RENDER PURPOSE: This procedure is a general purpose GUI-based volume rendering routine. It allows setting of cutting planes, color and opacity tables, etc. CATEGORY: Imaging CALLING SEQUENCE: VOLUME_RENDER, Data INPUTS: Data: A 3-D BYTE array to be displayed PROCEDURE: This procedure is a GUI front-end for the IDLgrVolume object. See the documentation on IDLgrVOLUME for more information. RESTRICTIONS: This procedure is a work in progress, and additional features will be added as time permits. In particular a better opacity table editor is needed. EXAMPLE: IDL> a = bingen(200, 200, 200) IDL> volume_render, a MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers (12-MAR-1999) This procedure was based on the from the IDL demos, generalized and with additional features