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Last modified: Wed Dec 12 12:28:55 2012.
NAME: add_caPendEvent PURPOSE: This routine start an IDL widget of sending channel access ca_pend_event call with the user specifyable timer interval. Calling this rountine is required for IDL CA sesstion EPICS 3.14.4 otherwize many CA warning message will be printed on user's IDL interactive terminal. CATEGORY: Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: add_caPendEvent,timer=timer KEYWORD: timer: Specify the timer in seconds between each ca_pend_event call It defaults to 10 seconds. EXAMPLE: IDL> add_caPendEvent
NAME: caCheckMonitor PURPOSE: This function returns a non-zero value if there is a new (unread) monitor for this process variable, otherwise it returns zero. This function is particularly useful when a caGet() operation is expensive in time, e.g. reading large arrays. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: state = caCheckMonitor(pvname) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable on which to check the monitor. OUTPUTS: The function return value is zero if no new monitor value is available, and non-zero if a new monitor value is available. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaNewMonitorValue(). The "type" parameter required by ezcaNewMonitorValue() is the native EZCA data type as determined by caGetCountAndType(). EXAMPLES: IDL> state = caCheckMonitor('test_ao1',event) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caClearMonitor PURPOSE: This procedure clears a monitor on the specified process variable. It cancels the effect of caSetMonitor(). CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caClearMonitor(pvname) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable on which to clear the monitor. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caClearMonitor is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaClearMonitor(). The "type" parameter required by ezcaClearMonitor is the native EZCA data type as determined by caGetCountAndType(). EXAMPLES: IDL> status = caClearMonitor('test_ao1') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caDebug PURPOSE: This procedure turns the EZCA debugging flag on or off. Turning on the debugging flag prints lots of information, which is mainly useful to developers. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caDebug, state INPUTS: state: state=1 turns debugging on, state=0 turns debugging off. OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaDebugOn() and ezcaDebugOff(). EXAMPLES: IDL> caDebug, 1 ; Turn on debugging setting Debug IDL> status = caGet('test_ao1', value) ca_pend_event(0.000010) --start end-of-prologue() report ****** Start State: AutoErrorMessage T InGroup F Debug T Trace F ErrorLocation LastOnly ListPrint LastOnly TimeoutSeconds 0.050000 Workp : 9cf970 trashme F (nxt 0) Channel_avail_hdr 0 : ... ... IDL> caDebug, 0 ; Turn off debugging MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caEndGroup PURPOSE: This function ends an "asynchronous group". See caStartGroup for more information on asynchronous groups. caEndGroup flushes the queue of caGet and caPut calls and waits for replies from the channel access servers. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: stat = caEndGroup(status) INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: The function return value is 0 if the operation was successful, otherwise it is the first encountered non-successful return code. The optional status parameter can be used to return the status code of each operation in the group. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: status: If this optional parameter is present then it returns a array of status information, one for each channel access call in the group. COMMON BLOCKS: EZCA_COMMON contains a flag (ingroup) which indicates if we are currently in an asynchronous group. This routine clears that flag. PROCEDURE: If the status parameter is present then this routine uses ezcaEndGroupWithReport(). If the parameter is not present then the routine calls ezcaEndGroup(). RESTRICTIONS: When the status parameter is present, and ezcaEndGroupWithReport() is called, there is no way to know in advance how many status values will be returned. This routine passes a status array with 1024 elements, and then truncates it to the actual length. The maximum number of status values which can be retrieved is thus 1024. No errors will occur if an asynchronous group has more than 1024 calls, but only the first 1024 status values can be obtained. This is probably sufficient for most applications! EXAMPLES: IDL> caStartGroup IDL> status = caget('test_ao1.SCAN', scan) IDL> status = caget('test_mca1.ERTM', ertm) IDL> ; Print out values - they will be zero. IDL> help, scan, ertm IDL> status = caEndGroup() IDL> ; Print out values after executing caEndGroup, they are non-zero IDL> help, scan, ertm Output: SCAN INT = 0 ERTM FLOAT = 0.000000 SCAN INT = 6 ERTM FLOAT = 7.10000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caError PURPOSE: This procedure controls error printing and returns error strings. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caError, err_string, /ON, /OFF, /PRINT, prefix=prefix INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /ON Setting this switch turns on automatic error message printing on stdout. Automatic printing is initially enabled. /OFF Setting this switch turns off automatic error message printing on stdout. /PRINT Setting this switch prints the last error message on stdout. prefix=prefix The prefix keyword can be used to pass a string which is prefixed to error messages printed with /PRINT or fetched via the optional output parameter. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: err_string: If this parameter is present then it will contain the text of the last error message. COMMON BLOCKS: EZCA_COMMON contains a flag (ingroup) which indicates if we are currently in an asynchronous group. This routine tests that flag. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaPerror(), ezcaAutoErrorMessageOn(), ezcaAutoErrorMessageOff(), and ezcaGetErrorString() EXAMPLE: IDL> ; Define a prefix and turn on error messages IDL> caError, prefix='My program', /ON IDL> ; Fetch the last error message IDL> caError, err_string MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGet PURPOSE: This function reads the value of a Channel Access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caGet(pvname, value, /string, max=n) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable for which the value is to be returned. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: STRING: Set this flag to force caGet to return a string, rather than a number. This flag is particularly useful when the native channel access data type is ENUM (3), since the string is more descriptive than the number. MAX_ELEMENTS: This keyword parameter is used to limit the number of values returned by caGet. caGet normally returns the native element count for a process variable. Setting MAX to a number less than this will cause caGet to return only the first MAX values in the array. OUTPUTS: value: The value of the process variable. By default, caGet returns "value" with the native data type and number of elements of the process variable. It determines this information by calling caGetCountAndType(). Note that if caGet is called after calling caStartGroup but before calling caEndGroup then the IDL variable "value" is created, but will not actually contain the data until caEndGroup is called. The function return value of caGet is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. If caGet is called from within an asynchronous group then the status return only indicates whether the operation was successfully queued. COMMON BLOCKS: EZCA_COMMON contains a flag (ingroup) which indicates if we are currently in an asynchronous group. This routine tests that flag. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. It performs a ca_get, unless called as part of an asynchronous group. RESTRICTIONS: There are two important restrictions which must be kept in mind when calling caGet from inside a "group", i.e. after calling caStartGroup and before calling caEndGroup. 1) The IDL "value" variable (i.e. the second parameter passed to caGet) must not be "re-used" or deleted before the call to caEndGroup. The reason for this is that EZCA has been passed the address of this variable as the location in which the data is to be copied when caEndGroup is called. Thus, this location must still point to a valid memory location when caEndGroup is called. If the "value" variable is re-used then IDL's behavior is unpredictable, and bus errors/access violations could occur. 2) When using caGet to read strings, the data type returned will be a byte array, rather than a string. The reason has to do with the manner in which IDL passes strings, which requires that EZCA actually be passed pointers to byte arrays. When caGet is called outside of a group it automatically converts the byte array to a string before returning the value. However when caGet is called inside of a group it cannot perform this conversion, since it cannot be done until after the data is read, which does not occur until caEndGroup is called. Thus, it is the user's responsibility to convert the data from a byte array to a string after calling caEndGroup. This is done very simply with the string() function. For more information see the example below. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGet(). EXAMPLES: IDL> ; The following is an example of a single caGet IDL> status = caGet('test_mca1.VAL', value) IDL> ; The following is an example of a valid grouped operation IDL> ; It also shows how to handle strings. IDL> caStartGroup IDL> status = caGet('test_mca1.VAL', mca_value) IDL> status = caGet('test_vme1.DESC', vme_desc) ; This is a string PV IDL> status = caEndGroup() IDL> vme_desc = string(vme_desc) ; Convert from byte array to string IDL> ; The following is an example of an INVALID grouped operation IDL> caStartGroup IDL> status = caGet('test_mca1.VAL', mca_value) IDL> status = caGet('test_vme1.VAL', vme_value) IDL> mca_value=0 IDL> ; We have redefined mca_value, so the previous location is IDL> ; undefined. NO NOT DO THIS! IDL> status = caEndGroup() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetArray PURPOSE: This function reads values for a list of Channel Access process variable. It returns 0 if successful, returns -1 if failed. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caGetArray(names,pdata,max=no,type=i,/TYPE,/EVENT) INPUTS: names: The variable for a list of channel access PV names for which the array of data is to be returned. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MAX: Default to 1 for a list of PV names. If more than one values to be returned for a list of array type PV names, this keyword must be specified. If the `no' specified is greater than the native count, zeros will be padded in the output array. If only one PV name is input, then caGetArray returns the native element count for the process variable. Setting MAX to a number less than the native count this will cause caGetArray to return only the first MAX values for the PV. TYPE: This keyword specifies the IDL data type to be returned by the output array. If not specified, it defaults to 5, i.e. double precision type of data will be returned by the output array. 1 - byte 2 - short 3 - long 4 - float 5 - double 7 - string /TYPE Instead of type=i a user can use the IDL data type keyword directly, the data type keyword supercedes the type=i specification. Valid types given below /double /float /string /long /short /byte /EVENT If specified use the ca_array_get_callback otherwise use the ca_array_get OUTPUTS: pdata: The output variable, pdata(max,noNames), returns the data array for the requested list of PV names. The `max' is the no of values specified by the keyword MAX, the `noNames' is the number of PV names in the input variable names. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: Only one type of data can be requested for a list of PV names. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_getArray() from the EzcaScan library. EXAMPLES: Three examples are given below. The first caGetArray call returns only the first value for each PV name, the second and third caGetArray call both returns 10 float values for each PV name IDL> names=['chademowf7','chademowf8'] IDL> st = caGetArray(names,pdata) IDL> st = caGetArray(names,pdata,max=10,/float) IDL> st = caGetArray(names,pdata,max=10,type=4) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995 04-11-96 bkc If array get failed, only the pvnames not found are reported 04-22-96 bkc Replace caError by caGetError
NAME: caGetControlLimits PURPOSE: This procedure reads the control limits for the specified channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caGetControlLimits(pvname, low, high) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable from which to read the control limits. OUTPUTS: low: The low control limit (double). high: The high control limit (double). The function return value of caGetControlLimits is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetControlLimits(). EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetControlLimits('test_ao1', low, high) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetCountAndType PURPOSE: This function returns the number of elements and data type of a Channel Access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caGetCountAndType(pvname, count, type) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable for which information is to be returned. OUTPUTS: count: The number of elements in the process variable. This is 1 for scalar process variables and more than 1 for arrays. type: This is a 3 element array containing information about the data type of the process variable. type(0) = Channel access data type as defined in "cadef.h" type(1) = EZCA data type as defined in "ezca.h" type(2) = IDL/PV-WAVE data type as defined in size() These data types are as follows: Name Channel Access EZCA IDL/PVWAVE String 0 1 7 Short 1 2 2 Float 2 4 4 Enum 3 2 (short) 2 (short) Byte 4 0 1 Long 5 3 3 Double 6 5 5 The function return value of caGetCountAndType is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will cause a Channel Access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: The channel access data type enum is mapped to EZCA and IDL short data types. However, application programs can use this routine to determine if the native channel access data type is enum, and then use caGet(pvname, value, /string) to read the string equivalent of the process variable. Programs can also use caGetEnumStrings(pvname, strings) to read the strings for the all of the possible values of an enum process variable. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaPvToChid() and then ca_element_count() and ca_field_type(). Note that this routine always returns its values "immediately", even if it is called between a caStartGroup and caEndGroup. EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetCountAndType('test_mca1.VAL', count, type) IDL> print, status 0 ; Status = success IDL> print, count 2048 ; Array with 2048 elements IDL> print, type 5 3 3 ; Long data type MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetEnumStrings PURPOSE: This function returns all of the choice strings associated with a Channel Access "enum" process variable. It is particularly useful for building menus of options. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caGetEnumStrings(pvname, strings) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable for which the enum strings are to be returned. The native channel access data type of this process variable must be enum (3). OUTPUTS: strings: A string array containing the strings for each possible value of the enum variable. The function return value of caGetEnumStrings is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists and is of type enum) and non-zero if the routine failed. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine causes a channel access read. It does not use the grouping mechanism of EZCA, i.e. it always executes immediately. RESTRICTIONS: There must be less than MAX_ENUM_STATES enum strings and they must each be less than MAX_STRING_SIZE characters. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaPvToChid and then ca_get() with a request type of DBR_GR_ENUM. The functionality required by this routine is not presently provided directly in EZCA, although it should probably be added. EXAMPLES: IDL> status = caGetEnumStrings('test_mca1.SCAN', strings) IDL> for i=0, n_elements(strings)-1 do print, strings(i) Passive Event I/O Intr 10 second 5 second 2 second 1 second .5 second .2 second .1 second MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetError PURPOSE: This function get CA return codes for a list of process variable names. Return code can be 0 or -1, 0 for success, -1 for failure. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caGetError(Pvname,Err) INPUTS: Pvname: The variable for a list of process variables for which the channel access return code to be checked. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: Err: The corresponding return code(s) for the Pvname(s) are returned. Returns array of 0 or 1. 0 indicates success, 1 indicates failed. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time pvnames has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_get_error_array() from the EzcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> print,caGetError('chademoai1') IDL> x = ['chademoai1','chademoai2'] IDL> status = caGetError(x) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caGetGraphicLimits PURPOSE: This procedure reads the graphic limits for the specified channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caGetGraphicLimits(pvname, low, high) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable from which to read the graphic limits. OUTPUTS: low: The low graphic limit (double). high: The high graphic limit (double). The function return value of caGetGraphicLimits is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetGraphicLimits(). EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetGraphicLimits('test_ao1', low, high) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetPrecision PURPOSE: This procedure reads the precision for the specified channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caGetPrecision(pvname, precision) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable from which to read the precision. OUTPUTS: precision: The precision (short). The function return value of caGetPrecision is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetPrecision(). EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetPrecision('test_ao1', precision) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetRetryCount PURPOSE: This function returns the value of the EZCA retry count parameter. In conjunction with the EZCA Timeout parameter it determines how long EZCA will try to connect to a process variable before giving up. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: RetryCount = caGetRetryCount() INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caGetRetryCount is the integer value of the EZCA RetryCount parameter. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetRetryCount(). EXAMPLES: IDL> print, caGetRetryCount() 599 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetStatus PURPOSE: This procedure reads the status parameters for a channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caGetStatus(pvname, timestamp, status, severity) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable from which to read the status parameters. OUTPUTS: timestamp: The timestamp of the last time the record was processed lonarr(2). status: The status flag (int). severity: The severity flag (int). The function return value of caGetStatus is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetStatus(). EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetStatus('test_ao1', timestamp, status, severity) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetTimeout PURPOSE: This function returns the value of the EZCA Timeout parameter. This value determines the time parameter passed to ca_pend_io() in EZCA. In conjunction with the EZCA RetryCount parameter it determines how long EZCA will try to connect to a process variable before giving up. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: timeout = caGetTimeout() INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caGetTimeout is the floating point value of the EZCA Timeout parameter, in seconds. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetTimeout(). EXAMPLES: IDL> print, caGetTimeout() 0.0500000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetUnits PURPOSE: This procedure reads the units string for the specified channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caGetUnits(pvname, units) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable from which to read the units. OUTPUTS: units: The units (string). The function return value of caGetUnits is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. COMMON BLOCKS: EZCA_COMMON contains a flag (ingroup) which indicates if we are currently in an asynchronous group. This routine tests that flag. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetUnits(). EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetUnits('test_ao1', units) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caInit PURPOSE: This routine sets the channel access timeout used by list array functions defined in EzcaScan library. It also sets the values of three constants, MAX_STRING_SIZE=40, MAX_ENUM_STATES=16, and MAX_PVNAME_SIZE=128 used in other functions. This routine MUST be called before any other routines in this file. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caInit [,flag] [,help=help] INPUTS: flag: Optional flag, if set to -1 EzcaScan library default timeout settings will be used. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: HELP: If ,/HELP is set, on-line help will be displayed. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: ezca_common is used to hold the values of MAX_STRING_SIZE, MAX_ENUM_STATES, and MAX_PVNAME_SIZE SIDE EFFECTS: This routine set the channel access timeout values used in the EzcaScan library. This routine sets the timeout to 3 seconds for lists of process variables, and sets the timeout for ca_pend_event to 0.001 second. If a value of -1 is specified for the flag, the default value of 10 seconds for lists of process variables will be used. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_init() from the EzcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> caInit MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995 27-Sep-2001 MLR Added initializtion of contants MAX_STRING_SIZE and MAX_ENUM_STATES.
NAME: caMonitor PURPOSE: This function provides Add/Get/Check/Clear monitor features on a single PV or a list of PV names. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caMonitor(name, vals, num, overflow, op_keyword,type_keyword, max=no) INPUTS: name: The variable for a PV or a list of PV names. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ADD: Set /ADD to add CA monitor for the specified name. Return 0 for success, -1 for failure. CLEAR: Set /CLEAR to clear CA monitor for the specified name. Return 0 for success, -1 for failure. CHECK: Set /CHECK to check for new event for the specified name. Return 0 for success, -1 for failure. The ouput variable 'vals' contains the return event flags. 0 - flags no new event detected 1 - flags new event detected GET: Set /GET to get monitor values back for the specified name. Different type of monitor returns different vals array. If non queue type monitor set, the vals array returns a single value for each PV in the name variable. If the kewword /QUEUE is specified, in addition of vals, both num and overflow variables are also returned. QUEUE: Set /QUEUE flag to queue the value change event for the monitored single channel until the user gets them. MAXQUEUE: The MAXQUEUE=no must be specified if /QUEUE is specified. MODE: This flag indicates what type of monitor queue is desired. The MODE=i where i can be 1/2/3, it defaults to 1. The MODE=1 or 2 monitor fills the QUEUE buff until it is fulled. If MODE=1, the /GET will clear the QUEUE buff. IF MODE=2, the /GET will not clear the QUEUE buff. The MODE=3 uses the circular buffer, it keeps the most current MAXQUEUE values in the queue buffer. Default Vals returned in double precision form. /INT Return Vals converted to integer /LONG Return Vals converted to long integer /BYTE Return Vals converted to byte type /FLOAT Return Vals converted to float type /STRING Return Vals converted to string type OUTPUTS: vals: Returns the array of data if either keyword /GET or /CHECK is specified num: Returns the real number of data in the vals array for the /QUEUE mode overflow: Returns the buffer full indicator for the /QUEUE mode 0 - vals queue buff is not full 1 - vals queue buff is full COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: All the PVs are monitored as double values in this function unless the PV is a DBR_STRING type then monitored as string type. For getting the monitored queue array, only a single PV name can be specified. For non queue type monitor, only the first value for a PV can be returned by this function. Use caGet to get array type of values back. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_monitorArrayAdd(), Ezca_monitorArrayGet(), Ezca_monitorArrayCheck(), Ezca_monitorArrayClear(), Ezca_queueAdd(), Ezca_queueGet(),Ezca_queueZero(), and Ezca_queueClear() from the EzcaScan library. EXAMPLES: Single value monitor IDL> print,caMonitor('chademoai1',/add) IDL> print,caMonitor('chademoai1',vals,/get) IDL> print,caMonitor('chademoai1',/clear) Use queue array monitor with maxqueue=100 IDL> print, caMonitor('chademoai1',/add,/queue,maxqueue=100) IDL> print, caMonitor('chademoai1',vals,num,overflow,/get,/queue,maxqueue=100) IDL> print, caMonitor('chademoai1',/clear,/queue) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995 04-12-96 bkc Modified on line help syntax 04-07-99 bkc Return monitor values specification: /byte,/int,/long,/float,/string
NAME: caPendEvent PURPOSE: This function causes the Ezca to call channel access ca_pend_event function. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caPendEvent [,time=0.001] [,help=help] INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TIME: This keyword parameter is used to reset the timeout in seconds used by ca_pend_event in EzcaScan library. HELP: If ,/HELP is set, on-line help will be displayed. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine sets the timeout for event monitor routines used in EzcaScan library and calls the ca_pend_event. RESTRICTIONS: Positive time must be used. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_setPendTime() from the EzcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> caPendEvent, time=0.0001 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caPendIO PURPOSE: This routine sets the timeout used by ca_pend_io in array get/ put used in EzcaScan library. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caPendIO, time=time, list_time=list_time INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TIME: Use the TIME=time keyword to set the timeout waiting for channel access I/O for single process variable name. LIST_TIME: Use the LIST_TIME=list_time keyword to set the timeout waiting for channel access I/O for a list of PV names. HELP: If ,/HELP is specified, on line help will be displayed. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: These times will be used in array get/put from then on in all ca_pend_io calls in EzcaScan library. RESTRICTIONS: Positive real times should be used in those keywords. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_setPendTime() from the EzcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> caPendIO, time=0.1, list_time=3. IDL> caPendIO, /help MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caPut PURPOSE: This procedure writes a new value to a channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caPut(pvname, value) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable for which the new value is to be written value: The new value to be written. In general this can be a scalar or array of any data type. There are of course restrictions in that certain strings cannot be written to certain process variables, and some process variables cannot be passed arrays. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: WAIT: Set this flag to force caPut to wait for a channel access callback. The default is not to wait for a callback, using the ezca function ezcaPutOldCa. The WAIT keyword results in a call to ezcaPut, which uses channel access callbacks. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caPut is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists and a valid value was written) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaPut() if /WAIT is specified, and ezcaPutOldCa if /WAIT is not specified. The "nelem" and "type" parameters passed to ezcaPut are determined from the IDL data type and number of elements of the "value" parameter passed to caPut(). Strings are converted to to byte arrays before being passed. RESTRICTIONS: None. caPut can be called inside a group, i.e. after calling caStartGroup and before calling caEndGroup. The "value" variable passed to caPut can be immediately re-used when inside a group, since EZCA copies it to a private location. EXAMPLES: IDL> ; Put a linear ramp (findgen()) to a waveform process variable. IDL> status = caPut('my_waveform.VAL', findgen(100)) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995 Sept. 16, 1998 Mark Rivers Added WAIT keyword, made non-callback version of caput the default
NAME: caPutArray PURPOSE: This function writes an array of data to a list of Channel Access process variable. It returns 0 if successful, else retuns -1. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caPutArray(pvname, pdata, /event) INPUTS: pvname: The variable specifies a list of process variables for which the input array of data is to be written to IOC. pdata[m,N]: Input data array, define m values for each N PV names. The data array defined must be consistant within the number of PV names defined in the pvname. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: EVENT: If specified use the ca_array_put_callback otherwise use the ca_array_put. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: Thus, it is the user's responsibility to make sure the adequate pdata is provided for the pvname. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_putArray() from the EzcaScan library. EXAMPLES: In the following example write a string value '11' to two PV names: chademomask1.VAL and chademoai2.VAL IDL> x = ['chademomask1', 'chademoai2'] IDL> y = make_array(1, 2, /string) IDL> y(0) = '11' IDL> y(1) = '11' IDL> status = caPutArray(x,y) In the following example write values [1,2,3] to two waveform records names: chademowf2 and chademowf5 IDL> x = ['chademowf2','chademowf5'] IDL> y = make_array(3, 2) IDL> y(0,0) = [1,2,3] IDL> y(0,1) = [1,2,3] IDL> print,caPutArray(x,y) IDL> print,caGetArray(x,pd,max=10) IDL> print,pd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995 11-29-2001 bkc If pdata is string type, convert back to string after calling EzcaPutArray
NAME: caScan PURPOSE: This function provides add/get/zero/clear monitor features on a scan record and a set of PV names. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caScan(name,pvnames,nonames,npts,vals,op_keyword,max=no) INPUTS: name: The name of the process variable which has control of triggering scan, e.g. the scan record name. pvnames: A list of detector process variables for which the values are to be monitored by the trigger name. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ADD: Set this flag /ADD to add a complete set of monitor for name and pvnames. Return 0 if successful, -1 if failed, 1 if old monitor already existed. If succeeds, the output variable npts is set to the number of data to be detected, and the nonames is set to the number of PVs in pvnames. CLEAR: Set this flag /CLEAR to clear the monitor set by add. Return 0 if successful, -1 if failed. GET: Set this flag /GET to get scan array of monitor values back. Return -1 if failed, return 1 if scan is properly set up but not triggered yet, return >1 if real data detected. If succeeds, the npts is set to the number of data so far detected. ZERO: Set this flag /ZERO to zero the allocated space. Return 0 for success, -1 for failure. MAX: Specifies the max number of monitor values to be returned. If the trigger name is not a scan record, the max=no must be provided for this function. OUTPUTS: nonames: This variable returns the number of PVs in pvnames. npts: This variable returns the current number of data points detected by the scan record. vals: This detector data array buff, vals(nonames,max), stores the detected data so far captured. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_scanAddMonitor(), Ezca_scanClearMonitor(), Ezca_scanGetMonitor(), and Ezca_scanZeroMonitor() from the Ezca library. EXAMPLES: For scan record type triggered scan IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/add) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,nonames,npts,vals,/get) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/zero) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/clear) For non-Scan record type triggered scan IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/add,max=100) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,nonames,npts,vals,/get,max=100) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/zero,max=100) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/clear,max=100) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caSearch PURPOSE: This function searches for a list of process variable names. It returns 0 if successful, returns -1 if failed. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caSearch(pvname) INPUTS: pvname: The variable for a list of process variables for which the channel access search to be done. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time pvnames has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_search_list() from the EzcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> print,caSearch('chademoai1') IDL> x = ['chademoai1','chademoai2'] IDL> status = caSearch(x) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995 04-11-96 bkc Fix typo error names to name
NAME: caSetMonitor PURPOSE: This procedure sets a monitor on the specified process variable. This causes a channel access callback to execute whenever the value of that process variable changes. Subsequent calls to caGet() after calling caSetMonitor will read the values provided by the callbacks, rather than reading from the IOC. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caSetMonitor(pvname) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable on which to set the monitor. count: The maximum number of elements to monitor. Default (0) is native element count OUTPUTS: The function return value of caSetMonitor is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaSetMonitor(). The "type" parameter required by ezcaSetMonitor is the native EZCA data type as determined by caGetCountAndType(). EXAMPLES: IDL> status = caSetMonitor('test_ao1') IDL> status = caGet('test_ao1', value) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caSetRetryCount PURPOSE: This procedure sets the value of the EZCA RetryCount parameter. In conjunction with the EZCA Timeout parameter it determines how long EZCA will try to connect to a process variable before giving up. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caSetRetryCount, retrycount INPUTS: RetryCount: The integer retry count. OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaSetRetryCount(). EXAMPLES: IDL> caSetRetryCount, 100 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caSetTimeout PURPOSE: This procedure sets the value of the EZCA Timeout parameter. This value determines the time parameter passed to ca_pend_io() in EZCA. In conjunction with the EZCA RetryCount parameter it determines how long EZCA will try to connect to a process variable before giving up. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caSetTimeout, timeout INPUTS: Timeout: The timeout value in seconds (floating point). OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaSetTimeout(). EXAMPLES: IDL> caSetTimeout, .001 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caStartGroup PURPOSE: This procedure starts an "asynchronous group". Within an asynchronous group all calls to caGet and caPut are asynchronous, i.e. they queue a request and return immediately without waiting for a reply from the channel access servers. Calling caEndGroup causes the queue to be flushed and waits for the replies. The use of asynchronous groups can greatly improve the efficiency of channel access. The user must be aware of the restrictions on caGet outlined under the description of that routine. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caStartGroup INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: EZCA_COMMON contains a flag (ingroup) which indicates if we are currently in an asynchronous group. This routine sets that flag. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaStartGroup(). EXAMPLES: IDL> caStartGroup IDL> status = caget('test_ao1.SCAN', scan) IDL> status = caget('test_mca1.ERTM', ertm) IDL> ; Print out values - they will be zero. IDL> help, scan, ertm IDL> status = caEndGroup() IDL> ; Print out values after executing caEndGroup, they are non-zero IDL> help, scan, ertm Output: SCAN INT = 0 ERTM FLOAT = 0.000000 SCAN INT = 6 ERTM FLOAT = 7.10000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caTimeStamp PURPOSE: This function returns the time stamp of corresponding value for the specified record name. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: string = caTimeStamp(pvname) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable for which the timestamp is to be returned. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: string: The function returns the time stamp string for the requested PV name. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: Only single PV name is allowed in input. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_timeStamp() from the EzcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> print,caTimeStamp('chademoai1') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caTrace PURPOSE: This procedure turns the EZCA trace flag on or off. Turning on the trace flag prints lots of information which is mainly useful to developers. Setting the trace flag results in less verbose output than setting the debug flag (see caDebug). CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caTrace, state INPUTS: state: state=1 turns trace on, state=0 turns trace off. OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaTraceOn() and ezcaTraceOff(). EXAMPLES: IDL> caTrace, 1 ;Turn on trace setting Trace IDL> status = caGet('test_ao1', value) ca_pend_event(0.000010) find_channel() found >test_ao1< get_channel(): was able to find_channel() ca_pend_event(0.000010) ... ... IDL> caTrace, 0 ; Turn off trace MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caVersion PURPOSE: This function returns the string of current version information about ezcaIDL CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: string = caVersion() INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: Return the string which gives the version information about ezcaIDL, ezca, Ezca, and EPICS base verion number. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_version() from the EzcaScan library. EXAMPLE: IDL> print, caVersion() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caWidgetAdjust PURPOSE: This is a general purpose routine for adjusting and monitoring a process variable. It creates widget which is appropriate for the data type of "pv", i.e. a mutually exclusive menu for DBF_ENUM, a text entry widget for DBF_STRING, and an editable slider widget for any numeric data type. This routine can be called from the event handler of larger applications when all that needs to be done is adjust the value of a process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS channel access; IDL widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: caWidgetAdjust, pv, font=font, min=min, max=max, label=label, $ group=group INPUTS: pv: The name of the process variable to be adjusted KEYWORD PARAMETERS: font: This keyword can be used to specify a font to use. min: This keyword can be used to specify a lower limit for the slider widget when adjusting numeric process variables. min: This keyword can be used to specify an upper limit for the slider widget when adjusting numeric process variables. label: This keyword can be used to put a descriptive label at the top of the widget. group: This keyword can be used to set the id of the parent widget. If the widget specified by "group" is deleted, then the widget created by CaWidgetAdjust will also be deleted. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will start channel access monitoring of this process variable if there are not already other widgets monitoring this process variable. PROCEDURE: Builds a top-level widget to adjust this process variable. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, July 20, 1995
NAME: caWidgetClearMonitor PURPOSE: This function clears a channel access IDL widget monitor which was set with caWidgetSetMonitor CATEGORY: EPICS channel access; IDL widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caWidgetClearMonitor(pv, widget_id) INPUTS: pv: The name of the process variable associated with this widget widget_id: The widget ID of the widget which was called on monitors. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caWidgetClearMonitor is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. COMMON BLOCKS: caWidgetCommon: SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will stop channel access monitoring of this process variable if there are no other widgets monitoring this process variable. this entry. PROCEDURE: If this is the last widget monitoring this process variable then caClearMonitor is called. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, July 20, 1995
NAME: caWidgetSetMonitor PURPOSE: This function establishes a channel access monitor on a process variable. It causes a widget event for widget_id to be generated whenever a monitor arrives for that process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS channel access; IDL widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caWidgetSetMonitor(pv, widget_id, time=time) INPUTS: pv: The name of the process variable to be monitored. widget_id: The widget ID of the widget to be called on monitors. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: time: The time interval between polling to check for new monitors. The default is 0.1 seconds. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caWidgetSetMonitor is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. COMMON BLOCKS: caWidgetCommon: SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will start channel access monitoring of this process variable if there are not already other widgets monitoring this process variable. PROCEDURE: If this is the first time caWidgetSetMonitor has been called then it creates a dummy (iconified) widget which runs a timer routine. The timer routine periodically calls caCheckMonitor(pv) to determine whether a channel access monitor has arrived for "pv". If a monitor has occurred then an event will be sent to the widget whose ID is specified by "widget_id". The event structure is as follows: event = { id ; The widget ID which was passed to caWidgetSetMonitor top: ; The top level widget in this hierarchy handler: ; The widget handler routine name: ; The name of the process variable for which a monitor ; has occurred. } When the event is sent, the event handler routine for the specified widget will be called. Generally this routine look at the field to determine that this is a monitor event (rather than a mouse event). If the same event handler can receive monitor events from more than one process variable, (because caWidgetSetMonitor was called for several process variables) the event handler will then look at the field to determine which process variable generated the monitor event. Typically the widget_id which is passed to caWidgetSetMonitor should be the id of a base widget. Base widgets cannot generate events due to mouse clicks, etc. so the widget event handler routine can distinguish monitor events from mouse events by looking at the field. This is the same concept which is described in the IDL documentation for timer events, e.g. widget_control, wid, timer=1.0 caWidgetSetMonitor can be called for many different process variable names and widget_ids. The widgets do not need to belong to the same widget hierarchy. Multiple widgets can monitor the same process variable, and the same widget can be used to monitor several process variables. Internally caWidgetSetMonitor maintains a list of all monitored process variables, and which widget_id(s) are to receive events from each process variable. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, July 20, 1995
NAME: ezcaPVNameToByte PURPOSE: This function converts an array of PV names to a 2-D byte array CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: byt = ezcaPVNameToByte(Str, Num) INPUTS: Str: A 1-D array of EPICS PV names. OUTPUTS: This function returns a 2-D byte [MAX_PVNAME_SIZE, n_elements(Str)] which is the input string array converted to fixed-length byte arrays. Num: Returns n_elements(Str) as a short integer COMMON BLOCKS: ezca_common holds the value of MAX_PVNAME_SIZE. EXAMPLE: IDL> str = ['a', 'b', 'c'] IDL> byt = ezcaStringToByte(str, num) IDL> help, byt, num BYT BYTE = Array[61, 3] NUM INT = 3 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, 11-Dec-2012. This function was added and all routines that previously called ezcaStringToByte for PV names were changed to use this function because it allows 60 character names, rather than 40.
NAME: ezcaStringToByte PURPOSE: This function converts an array of strings to a 2-D byte array CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: byt = ezcaStringToByte(Str, Num) INPUTS: Str: A 1-D array of strings. Do not use this function for EPICS PV names, use ezcaPVNameToByte below. OUTPUTS: This function returns a 2-D byte array [MAX_STRING_SIZE, n_elements(Str)] which is the input string array converted to fixed-length byte arrays. Num: Returns n_elements(Str) as a short integer COMMON BLOCKS: ezca_common holds the value of MAX_STRING_SIZE. EXAMPLE: IDL> str = ['a', 'b', 'c'] IDL> byt = ezcaStringToByte(str, num) IDL> help, byt, num BYT BYTE = Array[40, 3] NUM INT = 3 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, 26-Sep-2001 MLR 28-Nov-2001 Previous version replaced null string ("") with a single blank character. This was bad, unused scan record PVs were coming up unable to connect. Removed this replacement.
NAME: Release notes Version 2: Everything prior to 27-Sep-2001 when I started making release notes! Prior to this date there are release notes for each routine but no global release notes for the file. Version 3.0 28-Sep-2001, Mark Rivers Signficant rewrite. Changed many routines so that we no longer pass any string variables with CALL_EXTERNAL or LINKNLOAD. This was done to simplify things, since there are now at least 4 different conventions for passing strings to shareable libraries (PVWAVE, IDL prior to 5.1 on Windows, IDL 5.1-5.4, and IDL 5.5 and later). We now only pass byte arrays, not strings. This permits a single shareable library to be used for any version of PV-WAVE or IDL. There are now 2 constants in ezca_common, MAX_STRING_SIZE and MAX_ENUM_STATES. These values are set to 40 and 16 respectively in caInit. It is now MANDATORY to call caInit before calling any other routine in this file, preferably in the IDL_STARTUP file. Reformatted a lot of the code, and used ENDIF and ENDFOR consistently rather than simple END statements. Added support for unsigned short and unsigned long integer data types.