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Last modified: Wed Nov 12 16:50:02 2003.
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::CALIBRATE PURPOSE: This procedure calibrates a motor. It moves the motor to either the negative limit, positive limit or home position and then sets the dial position to the value returned by EPICS_MOTOR::GET_CALIBRATION(). CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->CALIBRATE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NEGATIVE: Set this keyword to do the calibration at the negative limit switch. POSITIVE: Set this keyword to do the calibration at the positive limit switch. HOME: Set this keyword to do the calibration at the home position. OFFSET: Set this keyword to calibrate the motor offset NOCONFIRM: Set this keyword to suppress the confirmation dialog box before setting the new dial position. Note that only one of (NEGATIVE, POSITIVE or HOME) can be specified, but OFFSET can be used either alone or together with any of the above. PROCEDURE: This procedure first determines the appropriate calibration value using EPICS_MOTOR::GET_CALIBRATION(). It then does the following: - If the calibration is done with /NEGATIVE or /POSITIVE - Saves the motor soft limit - Saves the motor slew speed - Changes the soft limit to a very large value, so that the hard limit can be reached. - Hits appropriate limit at the slew speed - Backs off 2000 steps - Hits appropriate limit at slew speed/100 - If calibration is done with /HOME - Does a motor home - If the calibration is done with /NEGATIVE, /POSITIVE or /HOME - Confirms if user wants to change calibration if /NOCONFIRM not set - Puts motor in SET mode - Sets dial value to calibration - Puts motor in USE mode - Restores slew speed - Restores soft limit - If /OFFSET is specified Sets offset to the offset calibration EXAMPLE: ; Get the motor calibration value at the positive limit switch motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->CALIBRATE(/POSITIVE, /NOCONFIRM) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, April 8, 2000 7-JAN-2000 MLR Added OFFSET keyword, changed logic so that user value is not written to. Changed so NEGATIVE is no longer a default keyword.
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::DONE PURPOSE: This function returns 1 if the motor is done moving and 0 if the motor is still moving. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->DONE() INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: IGNORE_LIMITS: Set this keyword to prevent the routine from signalling an error when a limit is hit. OUTPUTS: None SIDE EFFECTS: The routine checks whether the motor stopped due to a soft limit or hard limit error. If it did then the routine signals the error with the IDL MESSAGE procedure, unless the IGNORE_LIMITS keyowrd is set. This will cause execution to halt within this routine unless an error handler has been established with the IDL CATCH procedure. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->MOVE, .1, /RELATIVE ; Relative move 0.1 unit if (motor->DONE()) then print, 'Done moving' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 08-Apr-2000 MLR Added IGNORE_LIMITS keyword
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_ACCELERATION PURPOSE: This function returns the acceleration for the motor. The acceleration is the time in seconds which the motor takes to go from the base speed to the slew speed. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_ACCELERATION() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the acceleration for the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') accel = motor->GET_ACCELERATION() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_BACKLASH PURPOSE: This function returns the backlash correction distance for the motor. This distance is specified in user coordinate system units. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_BACKLASH() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the backlash correction distance for the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') backlash = motor->GET_BACKLASH() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_BASE_SPEED PURPOSE: This function returns the base speed for the motor. The base speed is the initial speed which the motor will use before starting to accelerate to the slew speed. The base speed is specified in user units per second. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_BASE_SPEED() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the base speed for the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') speed = motor->GET_BASE_SPEED() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This function returns one of four possible calibration settings for the motor. The settings are negative limit, positive limit, home, and offset. The returned value is in dial coordinates. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: cal = motor->GET_CALIBRATION(Status) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NEGATIVE: Set this keyword to return the calibration value at the negative limit switch. This is the default. POSITIVE: Set this keyword to return the calibration value at the positive limit switch. HOME: Set this keyword to return the calibration value at the home position. OFFSET: Set this keyword to return the offset (the difference between the user and dial coordinates) OUTPUTS: This function returns the requested calibration value in dial coordinates. Status: 0 if the calibration information was contained in the file, -1 if it was not. For HOME and OFFSET Status=-1 is really an error, for NEGATIVE and POSITIVE it is a warning that the DHLM or DLLM values, rather than values from the file are being returned. PROCEDURE: There are two possible sources of the calibration information. The first is a file of motor calibrations. In order to use this file the enivronment variable MOTOR_CALIBRATION must be set to the full path name of this file. Each line of this file must be of the format: MOTOR_NAME LIMIT POSITION OPTIONAL_COMMENT for example: 13IDC:m1 NEGATIVE -5.667 ; Calibrated by MLR 4/5/2000 13IDA:m2 HOME 10.500 ; Calibrated by PJE 12/7/1999 13IDA:m2 OFFSET -1.5 ; Calibrated by PJE 12/7/1999 If the appropriate calibration cannot be found in this file then this function returns the following values: NEGATIVE motor.DLLM (Dial low limit) POSITIVE motor.DHLM (Dial high limit) HOME 0.0 OFFSET 0.0 In all of these cases the Status output will be -1. EXAMPLE: ; Get the motor calibration value at the positive limit switch motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') cal = motor->GET_CALIBRATION(/POSITIVE, Status) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, April 8, 2000 7-JAN-2002 MLR Added OFFSET keyword and Status output Replaced STR_SEP with STRSPLIT
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_DESCRIPTION PURPOSE: This function returns the .DESC field of the EPICS motor record. This is typically a short description of the function of the motor. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_DESCRIPTION() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the description of the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') print, motor->GET_DESCRIPTION() Horizontal slit position MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_HIGH_LIMIT PURPOSE: This function returns the software high limit for the motor. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_HIGH_LIMIT() INPUTS: None: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAL: Set this keyword to return the high limit in dial coordinates. The default is to return the high limit in user coordinates. OUTPUTS: This function returns the software high limit of the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') limit = motor->GET_HIGH_LIMIT() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_LOW_LIMIT PURPOSE: This function returns the software low limit for the motor. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_LOW_LIMIT() INPUTS: None: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAL: Set this keyword to return the low limit in dial coordinates. The default is to return the low limit in user coordinates. OUTPUTS: This function returns the software low limit of the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') limit = motor->GET_LOW_LIMIT() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_NAME PURPOSE: This function returns the EPICS record name for the motor. The record name does not include any trailing period or field name. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_NAME() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the name of the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos.DESC') print, motor->GET_NAME() 13IDA_Slit1_Pos MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_OFFSET PURPOSE: This function returns the .OFF field of the EPICS motor record. This is the offset between user and dial coordinates. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_OFFSET() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the offset of the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') print, motor->GET_OFFSET() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, January 7, 2002
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_POSITION PURPOSE: This function returns the current position of the motor. It can return the position in user coordinates, dial coordinates or steps. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_POSITION() INPUTS: None: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAL: Set this keyword to return the position in dial coordinates. The default is to return the position in user coordinates. STEPS: Set this keyword to return the position in steps. READBACK: Set this keyword to return the readback position (RBV, DRBV or RRBV) rather than the drive position (VAL, DVAL, RVAL) OUTPUTS: This function returns the current position of the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') position = motor->GET_POSITION() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_SCALE PURPOSE: This function returns the scale factor for the motor. The scale factor is the number of steps per unit motion in the user coordinate system. It is 1/.MRES, where .MRES is the motor resolution field of the EPICS motor record. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_SCALE() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the scale factor for the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') scale = motor->GET_SCALE() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::GET_SLEW_SPEED PURPOSE: This function returns the slew speed for the motor. The slew speed is the speed which the motor will use after finishing its acceleration. The slew speed is specified in user units per second. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = motor->GET_SLEW_SPEED() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the slew speed for the motor. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') speed = motor->GET_SLEW_SPEED() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::INIT PURPOSE: This is the initialization code which is invoked when a new object of type EPICS_MOTOR is created. It cannot be called directly, but only indirectly by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = OBJ_NEW('epics_motor', Record_Name) INPUTS: Record_Name: The name of the EPICS motor record for the motor object being created. This record name can include a field name which will be stripped off. For example, '13IDA:Slit_Pos' and '13IDA:Slit_Pos.DESC' are both valid. This makes it convenient when dragging process variable names from MEDM windows to IDL windows. OUTPUTS: This function returns a status to indicate whether it was able to establish channel access communication with the specified EPICS motor record. This status is 1 for success, 0 for failure. This status is passed back indirectly to the routine which calls OBJ_NEW(). OBJ_NEW will return a valid object pointer if this routine succeeds, and will return a NULL object pointer if this routine fails. The user should test the return value of OBJ_NEW() with the IDL function OBJ_VALID(). SIDE EFFECTS: The routine establishes channel access monitors on all of the fields in the motor record which the methods in this class will read. This greatly improves the speed and efficiency. RESTRICTIONS: This routine cannot be called directly. It is called indirectly when creating a new object of class EPICS_MOTOR by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') if (OBJ_VALID(motor)) then print, 'It worked!' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::MOVE PURPOSE: This procedure moves the motor. The move can be specified in either user coordinates, dial coordinates or steps, and the position can be specified in either absolute or relative coordinates. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->MOVE, Position INPUTS: Position: The desired position to move to. By default this is specified as an absolute position in the user coordinate system. The /DIAL and /STEPS keywords can be used to specify positions in dial coordinates or steps. The /RELATIVE keyword can be used to specify positions relative to the current position, rather than absolute positions. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAL: Set this keyword to indicate that the position is specified in dial coordinates. The default is to specify the position in user coordinates. STEPS: Set this keyword to indicate that the position is specified in motor steps. The default is to specify the position in user coordinates. RELATIVE: Set this keyword to indicate that the position is specified relative to the current position. The default is to specify the absolute position. IGNORE_LIMITS: Set this keyword to prevent error signalling if a limit is hit. OUTPUTS: None SIDE EFFECTS: The routine checks whether the move caused soft limit or hard limit errors. If it did then the routine signals the error with the IDL MESSAGE procedure unless the IGNORE_LIMITS keyword is set. This will cause execution to halt within this routine unless an error handler has been established with the IDL CATCH procedure. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->MOVE, 2. ; Move to absolute position 2. in user ; coordinates motor->MOVE, 5., /DIAL ; Move to absolute position 5. in dial ; coordinates motor->MOVE, .1, /RELATIVE ; Relative move 0.1 unit in user ; coordinates motor->MOVE, 1000, /STEP, /RELATIVE ; Move 1000 steps relative to ; current position MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 08-APR-2000 MLR Added IGNORE_LIMITS keyword
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::SET_ACCELERATION PURPOSE: This procedure sets the acceleration for the motor. The acceleration is the time in seconds which the motor takes to go from the base speed to the slew speed. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->SET_ACCELERATION, Acceleration INPUTS: Acceleration: The desired acceleration time in seconds. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->SET_ACCELERATION, .01 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::SET_BACKLASH PURPOSE: This procedure sets the backlash correction distance for the motor. This distance is specified in user coordinate system units. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->SET_BACKLASH, Backlash INPUTS: Backlash: The desired backlash correction distance in user coordinates. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->SET_BACKLASH, .1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::SET_BASE_SPEED PURPOSE: This procedure sets the base speed for the motor. The base speed is the initial speed which the motor will use before starting to accelerate to the slew speed. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->SET_BASE_SPEED, Base_speed INPUTS: Base_speed: The desired base speed in user units per second. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->SET_BASE_SPEED, .01 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::SET_DESCRIPTION PURPOSE: This procedure sets the .DESC field of the EPICS motor record. This is typically a short description of the function of the motor. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->SET_DESCRIPTION, Description INPUTS: Description: A string which describes the motor OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->SET_DESCRIPTION, 'Vertical slit position' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::SET_HIGH_LIMIT PURPOSE: This procedure sets the software high limit for the motor. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->SET_HIGH_LIMIT, Limit INPUTS: Limit: The new software high limit for the motor. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAL: Set this keyword to set the high limit in dial coordinates. The default is to set the high limit in user coordinates. OUTPUTS: None. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->SET_HIGH_LIMIT, 50. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::SET_LOW_LIMIT PURPOSE: This procedure sets the software low limit for the motor. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->SET_LOW_LIMIT, Limit INPUTS: Limit: The new software low limit for the motor. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAL: Set this keyword to set the low limit in dial coordinates. The default is to set the low limit in user coordinates. OUTPUTS: None. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->SET_LOW_LIMIT, 50. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::SET_OFFSET PURPOSE: This function sets the .OFF field of the EPICS motor record. This is the offset between user and dial coordinates. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->SET_OFFSET, offset INPUTS: offset: The motor offset OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->SET_OFFSET, 1.5 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, January 7, 2002
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::SET_POSITION PURPOSE: This function sets the current position of the motor without moving it. It can set the position in user coordinates, dial coordinates or steps. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->SET_POSITION, Position INPUTS: Position: The new motor position. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAL: Set this keyword to set the position in dial coordinates. The default is to set the position in user coordinates. STEPS: Set this keyword to set the position in steps. OUTPUTS: None. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->SET_POSITION, 0. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, April 8, 2000
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::SET_SLEW_SPEED PURPOSE: This procedure sets the slew speed for the motor. The slew speed is the speed which the motor will use after finishing its acceleration. The slew speed is specified in user units per second. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->SET_SLEW_SPEED, Slew_speed INPUTS: Slew_speed: The desired slew speed in user units per second. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->SET_SLEW_SPEED, .1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR::WAIT PURPOSE: This procedure waits for the motor to finish moving. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: motor->WAIT OPTIONAL INPUTS: Delay The delay time between checking when the motor is done Default is 0.1 second KEYWORD PARAMETERS: IGNORE_LIMITS: This keyword is passed to EPICS_MOTOR::DONE if present. OUTPUTS: None SIDE EFFECTS: This routine calls EPICS_MOTOR::DONE every 0.1 second to check whether the move is complete. That routine checks whether the move terminated due to soft or hard limit errors. If it did then it signals the error with the IDL MESSAGE procedure. This will cause execution to halt unless an error handler has been established with the IDL CATCH procedure. PROCEDURE: Simply polls whether the motor is done moving with the EPICS_MOTOR::DONE function and waits 0.1 second if it is not. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') motor->MOVE, .1, /RELATIVE ; Relative move 0.1 unit motor->WAIT ; Wait for it to get there MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 18-Sep-1998 MLR Added Delay parameter. Made it wait one delay period before checking, because motor moves no longer use channel access callbacks, so the motor may not have started to move when this routine is called 08-Apr-2000 MLR Added IGNORE_LIMITS keyword.
NAME: EPICS_MOTOR__DEFINE PURPOSE: This is the definition code which is invoked when a new object of type EPICS_MOTOR is created. It cannot be called directly, but only indirectly by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function, CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = OBJ_NEW('epics_motor', Record_Name) INPUTS: Record_Name: The name of the EPICS motor record for the motor object being created. This record name can include a field name which will be stripped off. For example, '13IDA:Slit_Pos' and '13IDA:Slit_Pos.DESC' are both valid. This makes it convenient when dragging process variable names from MEDM windows to IDL windows. This name is passed to EPICS_MOTOR::INIT(). OUTPUTS: None (but see EPICS_MOTOR::INIT) RESTRICTIONS: This routine cannot be called directly. It is called indirectly when creating a new object of class EPICS_MOTOR by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. EXAMPLE: motor = obj_new('epics_motor', '13IDA:Slit1_Pos') if (OBJ_VALID(motor)) then print, 'It worked!' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997