ip330 Documentation

Mark Rivers

Release 2-9

This file describes support for the Acromag Ip300, a 16/32 channel, 16-bit A/D converter in the Industry Pack form factor. This support is a C driver that is based on asyn. It supports both the asynInt32 and asynFloat64 interfaces. The asynInt32 interface is used for ai records, and does callbacks to device support each time a new value is read from the hardware. This can cause the ai record to process on each callback. Alternatively the standard asyn Int32Average device support can be used with periodic ai record scanning to average the callback values that have happened since the last time the record processed. The asynFloat64 is provided for use with the fast feedback in the EPID record, which is part of the std module in synApps. The asynInt32Array interface is used to do callbacks to an MCA record to implement waveform recorder/transient digitizer applications. All three modes (ai record, mca record, epid record) can be running simultaneously, and can even all be talking to the same input channels.

The driver uses the ipac module for Industry Pack communication.

Class Ip330

The only parameters of the IP330 module which are not configurable in the driver are the output data format (which is set to Straight Binary) and the Interrupt Control (which is set to interrupt after conversion of all selected channels). All other parameters of the IP330 can be configured (first and last channels to convert, scan mode, scan rate, trigger signal direction, etc.) Currently all parameters except the time between between calibrations. MPF servers and EPICS device support exist for the application-specific classes which sit above Ip330.

Ip330 public interface

This is the public interface of the Ip330 class:

class Ip330
    static Ip330 * init(
        const char *moduleName, const char *carrierName, const char *siteName,
        const char *type, const char *range, int firstChan, int lastChan,
        int maxClients, int intVec);
    int config(scanModeType scanMode, const char *triggerString, int
        microSecondsPerScan, int secondsBetweenCalibrate);
    int getCorrectedValue(int channel);
    int correctValue(int channel, int raw);
    int getRawValue(int channel);
    int setGain(int gain,int channel);
    int setScanMode(scanModeType scanMode);
    int setTrigger(triggerType trigger);
    float setMicroSecondsPerScan(float microSeconds);
    float getMicroSecondsPerScan();
    void setSecondsBetweenCalibrate(int seconds);
    int registerCallback(Ip330Callback callback, void *pvt);

Brief description of these functions:

Ip330 configuration

The Ip330 is configured by calling the following functions from the vxWorks startup file.

extern "C" Ip330 *initIp330(
    const char *moduleName, const char *carrierName, const char *siteName,
    const char *typeString, const char *rangeString,
    int firstChan, int lastChan,
    int maxClients, int intVec)

# function return value  = pointer to the Ip330 object, needed by configIp330
#                          and to initialize the application-specific classes
# moduleName  = name to give this module
# carrierName = name of IPAC carrier from initIpacCarrier
# siteName    = name of IP site, e.g. "IP_a"
# typeString  = "D" or "S" for differential or single-ended
# rangeString = "-5to5","-10to10","0to5", or "0to10"
#               This value must match hardware setting selected with DIP switches
# firstChan   = first channel to be digitized.  This must be in the range:
#               0 to 31 (single-ended)
#               0 to 15 (differential)
# lastChan    = last channel to be digitized
# maxClients =  Maximum number of Ip330 tasks which will attach to this
#               Ip330 module.  For example Ip330Scan, Ip330Sweep, etc.  This
#               does not refer to the number of EPICS clients.  A value of
#               10 should certainly be safe.
# intVec        Interrupt vector

extern "C" int configIp330(
    Ip330 *pIp330,
    scanModeType scanMode, const char *triggerString,
    int microSecondsPerScan, int secondsBetweenCalibrate)

# pIp330      = pointer to the Ip330 object, returned by initIp330 above
# scanMode    = scan mode:
#               0 = disable
#               1 = uniformContinuous
#               2 = uniformSingle
#               3 = burstContinuous (normally recommended)
#               4 = burstSingle
#               5 = convertOnExternalTriggerOnly
# triggerString = "Input" or "Output". Selects the direction of the external
#               trigger signal.
# microSecondsPerScan = repeat interval to digitize all channels
#               The minimum theoretical time is 15 microseconds times the
#               number of channels, but a practical limit is probably 100
#               microseconds.  Larger values reduce CPU usage, but decrease
#               the number of callbacks per second to the application classes.
#               This will reduce the number of measurement averages in the
#               ip330Scan class,  increase the granularity in the time per
#               point for the ip330Sweep class, and decrease the number of
#               feedback cycles per second for the ip330PID class.
# secondsBetweenCalibrate = number of seconds between calibration cycles.
#               If zero then there will be no periodic calibration, but
#               one calibration will still be done at initialization.
#               If less than zero then no calibration is done.
#               NOTE: setGain() also causes a calibration.

Note that the reason for having configIp330, rather than just initIp330 is simply that there are more than 10 configurable parameters, but vxWorks only allows 10 arguments to be passed to functions which are called from the shell.

IP330 Hardware setup

The DIP Switch Settings column correspond to the value of switches 1 - 10. A value of 1011000010 corresponds to switches 1,3,4,9 on and 2,5,6,7,8,10 off.

ADC Range  DIP Switch     {GAIN}        {FULL VALUE}    {LOW VALUE}

-5to5      1011000010        0               5              -5
-5to5      1011000010        1               2.5            -2.5
-5to5      1011000010        2               1.25           -1.25
-5to5      1011000010        3               0.625          -0.625
-10to10    0100110010        0              10             -10
-10to10    0100110010        1               5              -5
-10to10    0100110010        2               2.5            -2.5
-10to10    0100110010        3               1.25           -1.25
0to5       1010100100        0               5               0
0to5       1010100100        1               2.5             0
0to5       1010100100        2               1.25            0
0to5       1010100100        3               0.625           0
0to10      1011001000        0              10               0
0to10      1011001000        1               5               0
0to10      1011001000        2               2.5             0
0to10      1011001000        3               1.25            0

Ip330Config Server

A server and device support are provided to dynamically change configuration values. Currently this only provides support for changing setSecondsBetweenCalibrate.

Ip330Config server configuration

extern "C" int initIp330Config(
    Ip330 *pIp330, const char *serverName, int queueSize)
# pIp330     = pointer returned by initIp330 above
# serverName = name to give this server.  Must match the INP parm field in
#              EPICS records
# queueSize  = size of output queue for MPF. Make this the maximum number 
#              of records attached to this server.

Ip330Config EPICS Device Support

The current device support is for a longout record. It sends an Int32Messages with the following info:

Server returns:

Standard output record type format is for longout records


 field(OUT,"#C{card} S{signal} @{servername},{cmd}
 card   =       The location of the server
 signal =       Not currently used. Just make the value 0
 servername     Must match the serverName specified with initIp330Config
 cmd		Default is 0,which for now is the only valid value.

 field(VAL)     When the record is processed the value of the VAL field
                is setSecondsBetweenCalibrate. See above for meaning.

A typical use is to have a passive longout record. If the VAL field is 0, then each time the record is processed calibration will be performed.

Class Ip330Scan

This class provides the functions of an averaging A/D converter. Together with class Ip330 it provides the same functionality as Ip330ScanApp in previous releases of MPF.

Ip330Scan public interface

This is the public interface of the Ip330Scan class:

class Ip330Scan
    Ip330Scan(Ip330 *pIp330, int firstChan, int lastChan);
    int getValue(int channel);
    int setGain(int gain,int channel);

Brief description of these functions:


Ip330Scan configuration

extern "C" int initIp330Scan(
    Ip330 *pIp330, const char *serverName, int firstChan, int lastChan, int queueSize)
# pIp330     = pointer returned by initIp330 above
# serverName = name to give this server.  Must match the INP parm field in
#              EPICS records
# firstChan  = first channel to be used by Ip330Scan.  This must be in the
#              range firstChan to lastChan specified in initIp330
# lastChan   = last channel to be used by Ip330Scan.  This must be in the range
#              firstChan to lastChan specified in initIp330
# queueSize  = size of output queue for MPF. Make this the maximum number 
#              of ai records attached to this server.

Note that the "millisecondsToAverage" argument which was present in releases prior to 1.6 has been removed because the averaging algorithm has changed.

Ip330Scan EPICS Device Support

Device support sends Int32Messages with the following info:

Server returns:

Note that sending the value returned by the server is the average from the time the previous message was sent until this message was sent.  In other words, sending a message returns the current average and resets the average (sum and counter).

Standard input record type format is for ai records

 field(SCAN,"1 second")


 field(INP,"#C{card} S{signal} @{servername},{gain}
 card   =       The location of the server
 signal =       The input channel of the ip330ADC
                Differential inputs 0 - 15 are valid
                Single ended inputs 0 - 31 are valid
 servername     Must match the serverName specified with initIp330Scan
 gain           Optional. If given must be 0,1,2,or 3. Default is 0.

 field(EGUF,"{FULL VALUE}")
 {FULL VALUE} = See table under class Ip330.

 field(EGUL,"{LOW VALUE}")
 {LOW VALUE} = See table under class Ip330.


Restrictions on Scan Timing

In an earlier release of this package (1.0) each of the application-specific classes (Ip330Scan, Ip330Sweep, Ip330PID) had a function to control the scan rate of the Ip330. However, there is only a single interval timer in the IP330 hardware, and so if one class changed the scan rate it would change the scan rate for all of the other classes. This interaction was undesirable, and so the behavior was changed, starting with release 1.01. The value of microSecondsPerScan specified in configIp330 is never changed by any application classes. Each application class will have its callback routine executed at this time interval. The application class will determine what to do when it is called back. For example, in the ip330Sweep class if microSecondsPerPoint is 1000, and ip330->microSecondsPerScan is 500, then the ip330Sweep callback routine returns immediately without doing anything on every other call. This behavior eliminates any interaction between the timing for the different application classes. The limitation is that the granularity of the time intervals available to an application class is now limited to the value of microSecondsPerScan specified in configIp330, whereas previously the granularity was 8 microseconds. Thus, for example, if microSecondsPerScan is 500 microseconds then the dwell times available in the ip330Sweep class are limited to multiples of 500 microseconds.

Suggestions and Comments to:
Mark Rivers : (rivers@cars.uchicago.edu)