dac128V Release Notes
Release 2-9
Sept. 16, 2017
- Removed parameter counting and NUM_PARAMS argument to asynPortDriver constructor.
These are not needed in asyn R4-32.
- Added new iocsh directory with EXAMPLE_ipUnidig.substitutions and IpUnidig.iocsh
files. Thanks to Keenan Lang for this.
- Moved repository from SVN at APS to Github.
- The Makefile, CONFIG, CONFIG_SITE, and RULES* files in the configure directory
have been updated to the versions in the template files in EPICS base 3.15.5. The
new versions are better suited to site-specific customization.
Release 2-8
Dec. 5, 2014
- Changes to src/Makefile to build on RTEMS and Linux, in addition to vxWorks.
- Updated .opi displays for CSS-BOY
- Added .ui displays for caQtDM
Release 2-7
Sept 9, 2011
- Added parameter for asynFloat64 interface, cannot be same parameter as asynInt32
when using asynPortDriver
- RELEASE* changes
- Added .opi displays for CSS-BOY
Release 2-6
April 13, 2010
- Changes in parameter handling to support asyn R4-13.
- Updated very obsolete dac128VDoc.html file from old MPF driver version to new
asyn version.
Release 2-5
January 2010
- Converted driver from C to C++ and made it inherit from asynPortDriver base class.
Now implements drvUser interface, required for std:devEpidFast.
- Added DAC_positions.req, DAC_settings.req
Release 2-4
3-Feb-2009 (actually tagged in 2008 but date is unknown)
Very minor changes:
- Numbered related display buttons in topDAC8.adl
- Added DESC to singleDAC_settings.req
Release 2-3
Major changes:
- Converted from MPF to asyn
- Converted from specialized device support to generic asyn device support
Release 2-2
Added medm display files:
- 8_DACs.adl
display eight DAC channels
- singleDAC.adl
display one DAC channel
- topDAC8.adl
callups for eight singleDAC.adl displays
Release 2-1
Conversion to EPICS 3.14.
- Added registration commands for iocsh
- Converted from vxWorks to OSI system calls.
- Converted to calling ipac functions directly, rather than through mpf class that
had been provided in 3.13.
- Added a hash table for dac128V module names, so that pointers no longer need to
be passed to the shell when using the ip330 and quadEM feedback. Pointers cannot
be passed to iocsh.
- These changes above required a change in syntax of the initDAC128V command in
the startup script. See the documentation for details.
Release 1-4
Added call to bind() in devAoDAC128V.cc. This is needed by mpf1-10.
Release 1-3
Fixed bug in device support initialization. It was returning 0, rather than 2 (MPF_NoConvert).
This could cause the initial value of the .VAL field to be corrupted.
Updated documentation.
Release 1-2
First release under CVS source/release control. There were earlier releases without
official tags.
May 17, 2000. Added getValue()
method, needed by Ip300PID class.
Suggestions and Comments to:
Mark Rivers : (rivers@cars.uchicago.edu)