[Ifeffit] Larch 0.9.75

Matthew Newville newville at cars.uchicago.edu
Fri Mar 22 08:00:00 CDT 2024

Hi Folks,

Larch 0.9.75 has been released and is now available.  You may see a prompt to install this the next time you launch the Larix GUI.
It's been several months since the last release of Larch, and there have been many updates, especially for the Larix GUI, and for using Larch for XAS analysis and visualization with Jupyter notebooks.    More complete release notes are at https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://github.com/xraypy/xraylarch/releases__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!cwWFAViQnbEqWyVw1oiIDoyzYb9OBe-JQUAQTBV4tW-ZKIa8mHVezv12XjTJbmT4h_cWse7fPPVzfdJj5aP2jpX7_OjpPJDoMjxcp8A$ 

There have been a lot of people who helped with this release, either with code or very detailed discussions and bug reports.

There are still several things on the near-term to-do list, including (in no particular order):
   better customizability and remembering user settings of detailed plotting preferences (themes, colors, etc) in Larix and Jupyter/plotly.
   Larix automatically generating Jupyter notebooks from analyses.
   getting a good implementation of MCR-ALS
   creating a self-contained set of packages so that installation can include exactly one (maybe large) download,
          but simplifying installation, especially on machines with poor or no internet connection.

If you have any questions, trouble, or suggestions, please let us know.


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