[Ifeffit] Help installing Demeter on a Mac

Kluherz, Tk Tk.Kluherz at nrel.gov
Fri Jun 30 11:02:03 CDT 2023

Hello All,
I’m a new postdoc at NREL, trying to install Demeter on my NREL Mac. I have previously only installed it on a Linux system. I followed the instructions<https://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/documents/SinglePage/macinstallation.html> for installing on a Mac, including the logout/login, and the installation appeared to be successful, with no errors. However, when I then try to run athena/artemis/hephaestus from the command line, I get a ‘command not found’ error.  Has anyone encountered this problem before? I thought I found a thread in the archives from 2014, but there was not response to the issue. I suspect it may be that the command location was not added to the $PATH, but am not sure where it is in order to add it.
Here’s the output from echo $PATH:
Any help would be appreciated!

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