[Ifeffit] XES calculations in Feff9.

FonsPaul paul-fons at aist.go.jp
Thu Mar 7 18:50:37 CST 2019

I have been attempting to use Feff9 to calculate x-ray emission spectra. In short, it would appear that one only exchanges the XANES card with the XES card, however, there appears to be nothing in the documentation that clearly states where the output is directed or how it is labeled. The most logical output would be xmu.dat and the spectra is clearly different when the XANES card is swapped out with the XES card. The only column in the xmu.dat card that appears to make sense to be XES spectra would be the mu0 column as it is positive definite while the chi, column, for example, goes negative and appears to be an interference pattern. Can any one shed some light on this? Also while the documentation states that the XES card takes the form “XES emin emax estep”, the example for GeCl4 included with jfeff uses the options “XES 8 0.05 0.0” whereas the jfeff example file for XES of BN uses “XES -20 20 0.2”. While the second example makes sense, I don’t understand the meaning of the card values used for the GeCl4 molecule example. This is especially relevant as I wish to calculate XES for an epoxy polymer and I have no idea what the fields mean.  Thanks for help on this in advance!
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