[Ifeffit] Exporting Curves (as Data rather than Images)

Matt Newville newville at cars.uchicago.edu
Mon Jun 26 06:43:50 CDT 2017


On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 2:36 AM, Felix E. Feiten <feiten at cat.hokudai.ac.jp>

> Dear all,
> I think the title is almost enough explanation.
> I would like to export the data corresponding to fits, chi(k),
> fourier-transform and back-transform to plot them with a different software.
> I couldn't figure out how, can someone please help me?

See https://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/aug/output/column.html

>From Athena, you can do this from the menu bar:
   File -> Save current group as ... -> [mu(E), norm(E), chi(k), chi(R),

As you will see, there is also an option to save each marked group in one
of these forms as well, and an option to save the different arrays from
marked groups to as columns in a single file.

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