[Ifeffit] anisotropic Debye temperatures in reciprocal-space calculations

Van Der Veen, Renske M. renske at caltech.edu
Fri Mar 29 14:34:34 CDT 2013

Dear FEFF users!

I am looking into the use of the DEBYE card in order to calculate the EELS spectrum of graphite at ~800 K. Obviously, graphite is highly anisotropic, such that it would be unphysical to use a single Debye temperature. However, the effective in-plane (a,b axes) and out-of-plane (c axis) Debye temperatures are known for graphite (2500 and 950 K, respectively). I was therefore wondering whether it is possible in FEFF9 to specify two Debye temperatures for the two different crystallographic directions.

I am calculating the (oriented) EELS spectrum of graphite in reciprocal space using the RECIPROCAL, LATTICE and ATOMS cards; see feff.inp file below. I am using FEFF version 9.05.

In case the use of Debye temperatures is not possible in this way, could anybody recommend another way to take into account the Debye-Waller factors for an anisotropic material such as graphite?

Best regards,
Renske van der Veen


Dr. Renske M. van der Veen
California Institute of Technology
Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics
1200 E California Blvd
MC 127-72, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Office: (+1) (626) 395 6530
Mobile: (+1) (626) 808 2635


 TITLE graphite

*  C K edge energy = 284.20 eV
 EDGE      K  0.0
 CONTROL   1      1     1     1     1      1
 PRINT     1 1 1 1 1 1


LDOS -20 10 0.05   * this calculates the density of states

e_grid -3 17 0.3
e_grid last 30 0.4
e_grid last 58 1

200   # beam energy in keV
0 0 1  # beam direction in the crystal frame
10 5 # collection semiangle, convergence semiangle (in mrad)
200 1  # q-integration mesh : radial size, angular size
0.0 0.0 # position of the detector (x,y angle in mrad)

 FMS       7.0 2
 EXCHANGE  0      1   0.7
 SCF       5
 RPATH     0.2

 *    ipot   Z  element            l_scmt  l_fms   stoichiometry
        0    6   C                  3       2       0.01
        1    6   C                  3       2       2
        2    6   C                  3       2       2

 KMESH 5000

 LATTICE P 2.4612
     0.86603     -0.50000      0.00000
     0.00000      1.00000      0.00000
     0.00000      0.00000      2.72546

 ATOMS                          * this list contains 251 atoms
* *   x          y          z      ipot  tag           distance
      0.00000      0.00000      0.68160  1  C1
      0.00000      0.00000      2.04479  1  C1
      0.57735      0.00000      0.68160  2  C2
      0.28868      0.50000      2.04479  2  C2

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