[Ifeffit] Opening SSRL data in Athena (Abhijeet Gaur)

Abhijeet Gaur abhijeetgaur9 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 02:54:35 CDT 2011


Hi Julia,

I have also encountered the same problem while analysing the data from SSRL.
I can suggest you what I tried and got my data read by Athena.

Go to the Setting pannel of the Athena window and then click on Plugin
Registry. You will see all types of data format there, then you can check

your data format there. Then, you can import your data.

Abhijeet Gaur
Research Scholar
School of Studies in Physics
Vikram University
Ujjain, India

Hello Everyone,

I have a question about using Athena to analyze data taken at SSRL beam line
11-2.  I can't seem to open the files, a message pops up saying it 'could
not be read by ifeffit as a data file'.  I have looked around these message
threads and in the athena users guide but there doesn't seem to be any
information on it.  The users guide goes through choosing different data
columns and if there is a header or not, but I can't open the data as some
sort of text file to see how it is organized.

I'm sure its just importing it differently or checking a box or something
silly like that, but I would appreciate any guidance.

Thank you very much,


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