[Ifeffit] how can i call the function of Athena or Artemis in Python

goodhei8 at gmail.com goodhei8 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 23:58:05 CST 2008


I can not agree more or can not expect more.

Thanks for the info.

When I can, I definitely would like to contribute some. (I am not just 
saying it.)

PS, sorry for my bad English

Matt Newville wrote:
> HI Jack,
>> since i am not ever a software developer(as most people), i really suggest to do a function
>> lib first(which is the key parts of Athena etc.and gap between ifeffit and user. then users
>> can use them in python etc first), then GUI.
> It's a little confusing to read "I'm not a software developer" and "I
> want to run Athena from Python".  Nobody here is actually a software
> developer... we're all scientists, and some of us write programs to
> get stuff done.    It seems like you'd also like to write programs to
> get stuff done.  The basic Ifeffit interface may seem fairly low level
> at first glance, but it really does allow you to write fairly
> high-level functions very easily:
> Below is a primitive "Library" that does some of what you want
> (merging data).  I often use and write such scripts and I don't think
> it can ever get a lot simpler than this and still be generally useful.
>    Put another way: writing a library that is all of "simple to use"
> and "high level" and "generally useful" is hard.    Of course, Athena,
> Artemis, and SixPack all have a lot of "higher level" functionality"
> on top of Ifeffit, but (as far as I can tell) neither fully separated
> processing approaches from the GUI interface, and also are not (yet)
> intended for general reuse.  Again, creating such a general-purpose
> library is not a small amount of work.
> I do agree that it would be very nice to have a set of standard
> functions and classes that were not tied to a particular GUI.   I
> think Bruce agrees too, hence Demeter.   For now, if you'd like to
> work on a higher level Python interface that did many of the "Athena
> Steps", that would be great.   The code below might give a reasonable
> start, though it is a set of functions, and not class-based.  I think
> that defining a class for "DataGroup" would help a lot.
> As Bruce mentioned, we've played with "Python-Perl" interaction with
> XML-RPC and are planning on using more of this in the future, as
> Ifeffit2 will be implemented in Python, Bruce's Perl codes will need
> to interact with the base library through XML-RPC.  That's a ways off,
> but if your (or anyone else) is interested in getting involved with
> these developments, let us know.
> --Matt
> #!/usr/bin/python
> from Ifeffit import Ifeffit
> iff  = Ifeffit()
> def run_iff(commands,debug=False):
>     """basic wrapper around ifeffit commands:
>     send a command string or a list of command strings
>     """
>     cmds = commands
>     if isinstance(commands,(list,tuple)):
>         cmds = "\n".join(commands)
>     elif not isinstance(commands,str):
>         print "cannot pass commands to Ifeffit:"
>         print commands
>     if debug: print cmds
>     iff.ifeffit(cmds)
> def show_arrays():  run_iff("show @arrays")
> def show_scalars():  run_iff("show @scalars")
> def show_group(group):  run_iff("show @group=%s"%group)
> def plot(group,x,y, range=(None,None), new=False):
>     """ simple plotting wrapper"""
>     cmd = ["%s.%s, %s.%s" % (group,x, group,y)]
>     if new:
>         cmd.append("new=1,xlabel=%s,ylabel=%s" % (x,y))
>     run_iff("plot(%s)" % ','.join(cmd))
>     if range is not (None,None):
>         opts = ''
>         if range[0] is not None: opts = "%s,xmin=%s" % (opts,str(range[0]))
>         if range[1] is not None: opts = "%s,xmax=%s" % (opts,str(range[1]))
>         run_iff("plot %s" % opts)
> def read_GSE_trans(fname,group='a'):
>     """read transmission XAFS data from GSECARS """
>     cmds = ["read_data(file=%s, group=%s)" % (fname,group)]
>     cmds.append("set %s.energy = %s.p1" % (group,group))
>     cmds.append("set %s.xmu    = -log(%s.d2/%s.d1)" % (group,group,group))
>     run_iff(cmds)
> def read_GSE_fluor(fname,group='a',i0=1,d=(3,16)):
>     """Simple read of fluor XAFS data from GSECARS (see escan data for
> more elaborate approach)
>       i0 = detector column for i0 channel [default=1]
>       d  = (c1, c2) detector column range for fluorescence channels to
> add together
>     """
>     cmds = ["read_data(file=%s, group=%s)" % (fname,group)]
>     cmds.append("set %s.energy  = %s.p1" % (group,group))
>     cmds.append("set %s.i0  = %s.d1" % (group,group))
>     fcols = range(d[0],d[1]+1)
>     dcol = '+'.join(['%s.d%i' % (group,i) for i in fcols])
>     cmds.append("set %s.fl = %s" % (group,dcol))
>     cmds.append("set %s.xmu = %s.fl/%s.i0" % (group,group,group))
>     run_iff(cmds)
> def autobk(group,rbkg=1.0,kweight=2,kmin=0,kmax=0):
>     """ simple autobk wrapper"""
>     cmds = ["""spline(%s.energy, %s.xmu,
>     rbkg=%f, kweight=%f,kmin=%f,kmax=%f)""" %
> (group,group,rbkg,kweight,kmin,kmax)]
>     cmds.append("set %s.chik = %s.chi* %s.k^2" % (group,group,group))
>     run_iff(cmds)
> def fftf(group,kmin=0,kmax=0,kweight=2,dk=2,window='kaiser',rmax=10):
>     """ simple fftf wrapper"""
>     cmds = ["""fftf(%s.chi,kweight=%f,kmin=%f,kmax=%f,
>     dk=%f,kwindow=%s,rmax_out=%f)""" % (group,kweight,kmin,kmax,dk,window,rmax)]
>     run_iff(cmds)
> def pause(t=5):
>     import time
>     time.sleep(t)
> def merge_start(group,type='xmu',output=None):
>     cmds = [] ; add = cmds.append
>     add("set $merge_type=%s" % type)
>     add("set merge_count=1")
>     if output is None: output='merge'
>     add("set $merge_output=%s" % output)
>     if type=='xmu':
>         add("set __tmp.en  = %s.energy" % group)
>         add("set __tmp.xmu = %s.xmu"    % group)
>     elif type=='chi':
>         add("set __tmp.k   = %s.k"    % group)
>         add("set __tmp.chi = %s.chi"  % group)
>     else:
>         print "cannot merge data of type: ", mtype
>         return
>     run_iff(cmds)
> def merge_add(group):
>     mtype = iff.get_string("$merge_type")
>     cmds = [] ; add = cmds.append
>     if mtype=='xmu':
>         add("set __tmp.xmu = __tmp.xmu +
> lintrp(%s.energy,%s.xmu,__tmp.xmu)" % (group,group))
>     elif mtype=='chi':
>         add("set __tmp.chi = __tmp.chi +
> lintrp(%s.k,%s.chi,__tmp.chi)" % (group,group))
>     else:
>         print "cannot merge data of type: ", mtype
>         return
>     add("set merge_count=merge_count+1")
>     run_iff(cmds)
> def merge_finish(group,output=None):
>     merge_add(group)
>     cmds = [] ; add = cmds.append
>     mtype  = iff.get_string("$merge_type")
>     mout   = iff.get_string("$merge_output")
>     if output is not None: mout = output
>     if mtype=='xmu':
>         add("set %s.energy = __tmp.en" % mout)
>         add("set %s.xmu = __tmp.xmu / merge_count" % mout)
>     elif mtype=='chi':
>         add("set %s.k   = __tmp.k" % mout)
>         add("set %s.chi = __tmp.chi / merge_count" % mout)
>     else:
>         print "cannot merge data of type: ", mtype
>         return
>     run_iff(cmds)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     read_GSE_trans('as2o5_xafs.001',group='a5')
>     autobk('a5',rbkg=0.9)
>     plot('a5','energy','xmu',new=True)
>     plot('a5','energy','bkg')
>     pause(3)
>     plot('a5','k','chik',new=True)
>     pause(3)
>     fftf('a5',kmin=2,kmax=11,dk=3)
>     plot('a5','r','chir_mag',new=True,range=(0,7))
> ##
> ## Another Example Use: (assumes the file is saved as Ifflib.py)
> # import Ifflib as IFL
> #
> # IFL.read_GSE_fluor('04_as_xafs.001', group='as04_1', d=(3,15))
> # IFL.read_GSE_fluor('04_as_xafs.002', group='as04_2', d=(3,15))
> # IFL.read_GSE_fluor('04_as_xafs.003', group='as04_3', d=(3,15))
> # IFL.read_GSE_fluor('04_as_xafs.004', group='as04_4', d=(3,15))
> #
> # IFL.merge_start('as04_4')
> # IFL.merge_add('as04_3')
> # IFL.merge_add('as04_2')
> # IFL.merge_finish('as04_1',output='as04_ave')
> #
> # IFL.run_iff("save as04.sav")
> #
> # IFL.plot('as04_ave','energy','xmu',new=True)
> #
> ##
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