[Ifeffit] ERROR in getting feff8 input file for YBCO from Web atoms

Matt Newville newville at cars.uchicago.edu
Wed Feb 7 13:14:36 CST 2007

Feng, Paul, Dave,Bruce,

Thanks for the reports.  I can reproduce this problem, and I'm pretty
sure it's not exactly a problem with the cgi script, but more of an
APS/ANL firewall issue.    That is, inside the APS firewall, I can run
webatoms on this file (unmodified) and get the correct result.

It's not simply an issue with 'refer2', because even outside the
firewall, I can get other files with a 'refer2' tag in them (try
ZnOH2.inp, for example).   In addition, leaving the 'refer2' in, and
taking the 'refer1' line out also generates a correct output.

Also: even outside the firewall, I can get
In addition, generating the feff.inp file, and copying this file to
I can access that file as well (which might help Feng)

So, it appears that the firewall is not simply blocking files that
contain the string:
     refer2: Cava, et al, Physica C 165, p.419, (1990)
but does appear to be blocking URLs that contain certain strings (or
perhaps strings of a certain length??).

I would guess that changing the cgi script to use POST instead of GET
would be the simplest way to solve this problem.


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