[Ifeffit] Platinum and Rhenium EXAFS in Artemis

Edward L. Kunkes kunkes at wisc.edu
Sun Apr 15 16:35:28 CDT 2007

Hi everyone,

 Sorry for the formatting error in my last e-mail.

 I am new to EXAFS and have been working with Athena to process my data and trying to fit it with
Artemis. I have LIII edge EXAFS data from monometallic carbon supported Pt, Re and bi-metallic 
PtRe nanoparticles (1-3nm). My objective to perform a first coordination shell fit, and i have 
been successful with the monometallic data and reference samples (Pt and Re foils and salts). 
Unfortunately success with PtRe bimetallics has been limited so far, and I can not get a good fit 
with reasonable delEo values. Did anyone work with platinum/rhenium before and can offer some helpful advice? 
The literature says that even though the backscattering properties of Pt and Re are similar 
(given their proximity on the periodic table), they should still be distinguishable with 
k0-weighted fitting. I was also if its possible to use Athena or Artemis to extract the
back-scattering properties of Pt and Re from reference samples, and use these properties in fitting a Pt-Re path.

 Thank you very much for your help

-Ed Kunkes

Graduate Student
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chemical Engineering 

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