[Ifeffit] file causing trouble creating chis

Scott Calvin SCalvin at slc.edu
Tue Mar 15 12:43:39 CST 2005

Bruce said:

>Just to refresh everyone's memory, I keep a list of problem-reporting
>guidelines at
>    http://leonardo.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/bugs.html
>Following the suggestions there expedites the problem-solving process.

Hi Bruce,

Welcome back! I hope you got a chance to recharge a bit.

I thought I'd note that your problem-reporting guidelines appear to 
be out of date: they don't account for the fact that the new Artemis 
project files are zipped archives, and may occasionally be quite 
large (I admit to being an outlier, but I've topped 5 MB with some). 
Clearly we don't want people posting 5 MB files to the Ifeffit list, 
as some of us are still using dial-up. Your posted guidelines account 
for that under the old file format (e.g. "Don't send every file from 
a FEFF run"), but it's a little hard to figure out what is 
appropriate now. May I suggest that files larger than, say, 200 kB, 
be sent to you separately, and not posted to the list?

--Scott Calvin
Sarah Lawrence College

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