[Ifeffit] Noise Generation in FEFFIT

Norbert Weiher weiher at tech.chem.ethz.ch
Tue Dec 16 06:50:46 CST 2003

Dear Friends,

I am still going with the chi^2-scan business and need a fast way to modulate 
white noise on a spectrum for some proof of principle. Has anyone a good idea 
how to do this (or would it be even possible in ifeffit)?

Thanx for helping


Dr. rer. nat. Norbert Weiher (weiher at tech.chem.ethz.ch)
Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering - ETH Hönggerberg
HCI E 117 - 8093 Zürich - Phone: +41 1 63 3 48 32

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