Diamond anvil cell program at GSECARS

Overview  -  Firsts  -  People  -  Design team  -  FAQ

An overview
The high pressure DAC program has been running proposal-based experiments full time since 1999.  These experiments cover various geochemical and geophysical key problems in the Earth’s deep interior by a large user community (see DAC publications).  Example topics that have been studied extensively at GSECARS include (1) properties of materials by simultaneous high-pressure and high-temperature x-ray diffraction, (2) candidate minerals and alloys of the Earth’s mantle and core, (3) high pressure-temperature studies of melts, glasses, and other non-crystalline materials, (4) x-ray studies of light elements for the outer planets, (5) rheology and elasticity of minerals at high pressures, (6) magnetic, electronic and vibrational properties at high pressures, (7) x-ray tomography with DAC, and (8) ultra high pressure-temperature experiments. 

Some research topics: crystal structure, phase transition, P-V-T EOS, rheology, elasticity, element partitioning, oxidation state, spin state, molten/liquid structure, density of liquids, electronic structure, phonon density of state, reaction kinetics, light elements (Si, O, S, C, …).

Techniques: x-ray diffraction, x-ray emission/absorption spectroscopy, inelastic x-ray scattering (x-ray Raman), Raman spectroscopy, Brillouin spectroscopy (under construction).

High P-T techniques: symmetrical DACs, membrane cells, Mao-Bell cells, laser heating system, external heating system, ruby fluorescence spectroscopy.

A few firsts:

Firsts Station Dates
first DAC experiment 13 BM-A December, 1996
first laser heated DAC experiment 13 ID-C October, 1997
first angle dispersive experiment 13 ID-D May, 1998
on-line ruby system installation 13 ID-D May, 1998
first laser heated DAC experiment with area detector 13 ID-D November, 1999
A separate setup at 13 BMD 13 BM-D September, 1998
laser heating with radial diffraction 13 ID-D December, 2000
first inelastic x-ray experiment 13 ID-C October, 2001

Some newer photos
13 ID-D upgrade (2004)
Brillouin at 13 BM-D


DAC People at GSECARS:

Vitali Prakapenka, since August, 2001.  


    People previously worked at GSECARS:

Guoyin Shen joined GSECARS in January, 1997, and left to HP-CAT in September, 2005

duffy.jpg (16958 bytes)  Tom Duffy joined GSECARS in September, 1995, and left for Princeton in January, 1997. 
Nagayoshi Sata spent two years at GSECARS as a visiting student during 2000-2002.       


Frequently asked questions:
X-ray beam:
    White beam or mono beam?
    Do I need ID beamline or BM beamline?
    What is the x-ray beam size?
    What is the energy (wavelength)?
    How intense is the x-ray beam?
    How 'clean' is the x-ray beam?
    What's available?
    Factors for choosing a right detector?
    Factors for determining sample-detector distance?
    What are main software used at beamline?
    If I am new to almost all of them, what should I do?
Support lab:
    What equipments are there at GSECARS?
    Can I load sample at APS before experiment?
    Factors for designing a sample configuration?
Safety training:
    Any special safety training related to DAC operation?
    Local restaurants
    401 grill


Frequently asked questions

White beam or mono beam?
    In both IDD and BMD stations, white beam is, in principle, available. However, the DAC setup at both stations is designed for monochromatic beam. Only in occasional case where white beam is absolutely necessary, the use of white beam may be requested. Then additional time needs to be planned for configuration change and other protections.  
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Do I need ID beamline or BM beamline?
    The main difference between ID and BM is the x-ray beam intensity (or flux). For example for MgO at 50 GPa, the collecting time for x-ray diffraction is typically about 10 min at BMD and 10 seconds at IDD. The table below may help you to determine which beam line is suitable. 

Specs at sample position of the DAC setup 13 BM-D 13 ID-D
Beam size (micrometers) at FWHM 10 (H) x 25 (V) 5 (H) x 5 (V)
Energy range (keV) 5 - 75 5 - 45
Flux (photons/s)* ~5x108 at 37 keV ~1011 at 37 keV
YLF laser heating off-line on-line
CO2 laser heating (under construction) off-line on-line
Brillouin (under construction) on-line off-line
Raman (under construction) on-line off-line

* IDD notebook#11 p. 82.
   BMD notebook#22 (DAC#2) p. 160.
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How 'clean' is the x-ray beam?
    X-ray beam size is measured by scanning a sharp edge across the beam. The derivative of transmission profile is used to define the beam size. Specified beam size is usually at full width half maximum (FWHM). Beam sizes at 10% or even 1% maximum can be significantly larger. Such beam tail can be 'cleaned' by secondary slits or pinhole that is close to sample position. So a 'clean' x-ray beam is actually defined by the size and location of so-called clean-up slits or pinhole. At GSECARS, the size of clean-up pinhole ranges from 20 to 50 microns in diameter. Discuss with beam line staff if a clean beam is important to you, especially when you use rhenium (or other high-Z)  gasket.
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What's available?

mar345: click for 3-fold magnification (41 kB)
MAR CCD-165 MAR IP-345 Fuji Reader (BAS2500) Bruker CCD (2k) Canberra Ge detector

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Factors for choosing a right detector?
    CCD or IP?
    Below is a comparison of a few specifications between MARCCD and MAR345 IP. (This is for reference only. For detail specifications, please visit their web-sites.) 

Specs MARCCD-165 MAR345-IP
size in diameter 165 mm 345 mm
pixel size >80 microns >100 microns
dynamic range 1:45,000 1:128,000
Readout time 3.5 sec. 108 sec.
intrinsic noise ~2 photons ~2 photon

    For x-ray diffraction resolution, larger size of IP is better.
    For weak signals, IP could be a better choice because collecting time may be prolonged without dark current accumulation.
    In case of having poor signal to noise ratios, the better dynamic range of IP may help in statistics.
    For fast data collection, we need to distinguish two cases. One is fast collection only once with a delayed readout. The other is fast data collection continuously. In the case of one-time collection, the benefits of IP still hold. For continuous fast collection, CCD has clear advantages.  
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Factors for determining sample-detector distance?
    Diffraction resolution, d-spacing coverage, access opening of a DAC, and x-ray energy. 
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What are main software used at beamline?
    EPICS - the main control platform.
    IDL - used for interactive control and data analysis. 
    winspec, winview - for controlling detectors from Roper Scientific, Inc.
    Fit2d - a package for analyzing x-ray diffraction patterns with area detectors.
    Visit GSECARS developed software for more. 
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If I am new to almost all of them, what should I do?
    The user interface is normally easy to operate. It typically takes a few hours to get familiar with all these. However, to maximize the use of beam time, it is recommended to read Operations&Instructions and/or come to the beam line one day earlier to your assigned beam time.
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What equipments are there at GSECARS?

Leica, MZ16
with digital camera installed
Leica, MZ6 Nikon, E600
with micro-manipulator


Mechanical micro-drill machine EDM machine from Betsa EDM machine from Seatle


glove box container for cryogenic loading


DAC holders Tools for making amorphous boron gasket

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Can I load sample at APS before experiment?
  Yes. But we normally encourage that samples are loaded before you come to APS. In fact, efficient use of beam time is directly related to how well samples are prepared. Make sure that there are enough cells and samples loaded before beam time. Sample loading on-site at APS is for cases where the prepared samples do not work well. 
    If you need to load samples at APS because of the lack of equipments at your home institution, then please plan a few days in advance and discuss your plan with GSECARS staff. Check the available equipments at GSECARS for sample preparation. If other equipments are required, discuss with GSECARS staff.
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Factors for designing a good sample configuration?
    P-T range: anvil size, gasket, hole size, indentation thickness, medium material
    P-T measurement: internal standard, P-T gradient
    x-ray diffraction: access opening, diffraction overlap check, grain size, medium
    laser heating: insulating layer, sample absorption, chemical reaction
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Any special safety training related to DAC operation?
    Yes. Please visit GSECARS safety plan for general information.
    For laser safety, there are two types of training for two modes of operation. User mode operation requires training at GSECARS; while those for expert mode operation need to obtain authorization from Argonne safety officials, which involves a safety training-class and an eye examination. 
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diamond anvil cells

First DAC experiment at 13BM-A (December, 1996)
Collaborators: Duffy, Shen, Heinz, Mao, Ma, Hemley 


The setup in 13 ID-C for laser heated diamond anvil cell experiments (October, 1997)


Angle dispersive experiment at 13 ID-D (May, 1998)




Installation of on-line ruby system (May, 1998)


Laser heating with area detector (Nov. 1999)



A separate setup for DAC experiment at 13 BM-D (September, 1998)

Energy dispersive at 13BM-D, September, 1998 Angle dispersive at 13BM-D, December, 1999




Radial x-ray diffraction using area detector with laser heating (December, 2000) 
Collaborators: Merkel, Mao, Shen



Inelastic x-ray scattering experiment at 13 ID-C (November, 2001)
(Eng, Mao, Trainer, Newville)



Design Team

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Russ Hemley, Chairman

Geophysical Laboratory, 5251 Broad Branch Rd., NW , Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, DC, 20015-1305; phone : 202-686-2410 x2465, fax : 202-686-2419, hemley@gl.ciw.edu 

Bill Bassett

Department of Geological Sciences, 4140 Snee Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14853; phone : 607-255-7502, fax : 607- 254-4780, bassett@geology.cornell.edu 

heinz.gif (59072 bytes)

Dion Heinz

Department of the Geophysical Sciences, 5734 S. Ellis Ave., The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 60637; phone : 312-702-3046, fax : 312-702-9505, heinz@gizmo.uchicago.edu

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Dave   Mao

Geophysical Laboratory, 5251 Broad Branch Rd., NW , Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, DC, 20015-1305; phone : 202-686-2410 x2467, fax :  202-686-2419, mao@gl.ciw.edu 

Li-Chung Ming

Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, 2525 Correa Rd, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, 96822; phone : 808-956-7825,  fax : 808-956-3188, ming@soest.hawaii.edu 

duffy.jpg (16958 bytes)

Tom Duffy

Geosciences Department, Princeton University, 418 Guyot Hall, Princeton NJ 08544-1003 phone : 609-258-6769, fax : 609-258-1274, duffy@princeton.edu


Guoyin Shen

University of Chicago, Building 434A, Argonne National Lab, 9700 South Cass, Argonne, IL   60439; phone : 630- 252-0429, fax : 630-252-0443, shen@cars.uchicago.edu
