Re: [Ifeffit] HELP: failed to install gcc49 on mac (v10.6.8)

Dear Ie-Rang, I’m the demeter maintainer on MacPorts, but I admit I am anything but a MacPorts guru. I notice that the error you showed is a failure to install gcc49. I don’t know if that new GCC is compatible with your old version of OS X, but that’s an issue that’s beyond my expertise. You might edit your variants file (it’s /opt/local/etc/macports/variants.conf on my installation) to insist on an earlier version by adding a line containing, e.g., “+gcc47” or whatever is your installed and preferred version of GCC. In fact, the port demeter does not depend (directly) on gcc, which you can see by issuing the command
port echo depof:demeter port echo depof:demeter-devel
So it looks to me like you have several steps to get ready for installing demeter. I admit that I recently discovered—but have not fixed—a flaw in the demeter port description file. The code depends on ports p5.16-file-which and p5.16-math-round, but these are not made explicit. I need to figure out how to add these to the explicit dependency list. I’m just back from vacation and a conference, so I have no excuses now. If you get far enough that you can install *but not run* demeter’s executables, then a workaround for this is
sudo port install p5.16-file-which p5.16-math-round
And for MacPorts users in general: I understand that the project as a whole is in the process of trying to move to Perl 5.22 instead of 5.16. I’ll be updating the port file to reflect that change, too.
Joe Fowler
NIST Boulder Laboratories
On Jul 29, 2015, at 4:01 PM, wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. HELP: failed to install gcc49 on mac (v10.6.8) (Ie-Rang Jeon)
2. Re: HELP: failed to install gcc49 on mac (v10.6.8) (Bruce Ravel)
3. Error in Running XANES on FEFF8.4 for Cobalt based cluster
(Ganesh Subramanian)
From: Ie-Rang Jeon
participants (1)
Fowler, Joseph W.