Re: [Ifeffit] Bug report: Artemis cannot re-open saved projects

Sorry I think my attachment didn't go through. Maybe the zip file will work.
On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Mengling Stuckman wrote: Thanks, Bruce, I'm sending a couple. One is new that I didn't do any fit. The other is
old that contained my fitting. Both of them can't open in my Artemis. Mengling On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Bruce Ravel Can you humor me and send me one of your .fpj files? I would like to
examine its contents. B On 03/19/2014 05:36 PM, Mengling Stuckman wrote: Thank you, Bruce, This is the complete log file: "Started at 2014-03-19T14:26:09
Win7Enterprise (64-bit) Service Pack 1Service Pack 16176012102561 PATH:
strawberry1\c\bin;\\\it\Oracle11g\product\11.2.0\client_1\bin; perl version: v5.12.3 @INC:
. Can't call method "workspace" without a package or object reference at
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/ line 1550." or this very last sentence will change to "Can't call method "group" on an undefined value at
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Demeter/UI/Artemis/ line 466."
if I open a different .fpj file. Because the first few lines were similar to what I saw in Athena log
file when Athena is working, I didn't cite these. Thank you very much for double-checking it! I did try to check the permission of that folder by adding a file into
that folder and extracting a zip file into that folder. Neither had any
problem. I do have permission of that folder. I also tried to open my files in Artemis installed on several other
computers in my workplace. Other computers didn't work as well. I guess
it might be a problem with the operating system/software conflict in my
workplace? I didn't install any other software by myself. All the other
updates for antivirus or Windows 7 are automatic through workplace
system management that I don't have control. I might be able to call IT
support tomorrow to see if they know anything about the system that
might have conflict with Demeter. "Without being able to watch this on one of my computers, I can only
guess what the problem might be by examining the two lines of code you
cite." I am wondering how to examine the two lines of code I cited. Maybe I
could talk to IT support about the code and see if there is anything
they or we can do to fix that. Really appreciated for your replies! I know this is a very personalized
computer problem, not related to your software, which might be beyond
your duty to fix. So really thankful for your help! Mengling On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:44 PM, Bruce Ravel On 03/19/2014 04:19 PM, Mengling Stuckman wrote: Again, the message showing in the log file is:
"Can't call method "workspace" without a package or object
reference at
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/__Demeter/ line 1550." or sometimes: "Can't call method "group" on an undefined value at
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/__Demeter/UI/Artemis/ line 466." Are you quite sure that is the only text in the log file? Demeter first writes several lines about the environment in which
Demeter is operating. The error message is almost always followed by
several lines of backtrace. All of that provides context for me to
understand the proximal cause of the problem. If you extract a part
of the log file, then that context is lost to me. Demeter also seemed to work fine last week and only stopped
yesterday. I didn't update anything on my work computer, so I
know what is causing the problem. Artemis worked on that computer last week and does not work this
And you did nothing to change the computer? Something doesn't add
up. Did your anti virus software update? Did your institution's system
administrators perform an update? Did you install any new software?
Anything? It's hard for me to understand how the behavior of the
program can change simply by walking away for a few days. Without being able to watch this on one of my computers, I can only
guess what the problem might be by examining the two lines of code
cite. My best guess is that something is preventing you from unpacking the
project file. An .fpj file is nothing more than a zip file with a
different file extension. It gets unpacked in %APPDATA%\stash (where
%APPDATA% is the location of the log file). That means that you have
to have permission to write files to that location. So, my best
is that something is preventing you from writing to that space. I
have no guess for what the cause of that is. So, check the permission of that folder. Try making a file in that
folder by hand. Try extracting a zip file buy hand into that folder. If not that, then I'm afraid I'm out of ideas. B --
Bruce Ravel ------------------------------__------ National Institute of Standards and Technology
Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
Building 535A
Upton NY, 11973 Homepage:
Ifeffit mailing list --
Mengling Stuckman
ORISE Research Fellow
National Energy Technology Laboratory
U.S. Department of Energy
Pittsburgh, PA
Office: 412-386-7387 _______________________________________________
Ifeffit mailing list --
Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ National Institute of Standards and Technology
Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
Building 535A
Upton NY, 11973 Homepage:
Ifeffit mailing list --
Mengling Stuckman
ORISE Research Fellow
National Energy Technology Laboratory
U.S. Department of Energy
Pittsburgh, PA
Office: 412-386-7387 --
Mengling Yi Stuckman
Graduate Research Assistant
Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science
Ohio State University
2070 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH, 43210

On 03/20/2014 09:33 AM, Mengling Yi Stuckman wrote:
Sorry I think my attachment didn't go through. Maybe the zip file will work.
They did. You can stop sending things now ;) I see the same problem on my computer with your AZTCLP file. *That's* why you send an example. Now I have a fighting chance of figuring out the problem. B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: Software:
participants (2)
Bruce Ravel
Mengling Yi Stuckman