Hi Florian,

The acronyms stand for

Scan Region Boundary
Scan Region Step Size
Seconds Per Point


On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 6:51 AM, daltonabdala@gmail.com <daltonabdala@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, Florian.

Welcome to the list!

I watched Bruce's video a while ago and I can not remember what those acronyms stand for. 

As for the 15k, that means how far in k (k A-1) he collected his EXAFS data. You're missing an important information: E (eV) ~ 3.81 k2. Now, do the math! Hope that'll make things more clear to you :)

As for the k steps, 0.05k, that was the way he collected his data, in k-steps, instead of energy steps. I usually collect XANES data in E-steps and switch to k-steps to collect EXAFS data. 

I'm not sure if this is a proper venue to make advertisements but Scott Calvin has recently published an excellent book on XAFS, XAFS for Everyone, and I would suggest you to refer to it at your earliest convenience, so you can work on your "backgrounds" more effectively :)

Good luck!

 - Dalton

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Florian Werner <florian.werner@wzw.tum.de> wrote:
Hi All,

I'm trying to find my way into XAFS data processing with Athena, but I'm new to the topic. I hope someone can help me out with my questions. As background information: Currently I'm planning my beamtime experiment for XANES spectra about phosphorus speciation at SLRI in Thailand.

I have made a tutorial with data from Bruce Ravel from scans of Lepidocrocite. I have a question regarding this data. For example in the header information of file Fe_lepidocrocite.000 (from Bruce Ravel's github site) there can be found the abbreviations SRB, SRSS and SPP. So my first question is: What do this abbreviations stand for? SRB is the sampling range (SR..?!), i guess, so what does 15k stand for (data ends at 7971.35723 keV, but how is this connected to "15k"?)? SRSS manages the step size (..SS?), but how does "0.05k" result in the given steps?

I assume that this kind of "k"-settings may be limited to X-23A2 beamline (or BNL), but still I'm anxious to know how the data has been collected.

Best regards,


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