Hi Stefan,

We recently updated our EXAFS Neo analysis package to work with the new version of Larch. 

I installed Larch using the detailed instructions on our GitHub site on a number of Macs* running OS X 12.x this weekend. 


If you want to use the Larch GUIs, you need to take the additional step of: 

larch -m

Which puts links to the GUIs on the desktop. 

Our code calls uses larch Python routines so we have developed a fairly robust procedure for making sure larch installs correctly on all operating systems. 

Hope that helps. 


*all M1 machines but I don’t expect it will make a difference

Jeff Terry
Interim Chair, Department of Social Sciences
Professor of Physics
Professor of Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering 
Editor, Applied Surface Science
Illinois Institute of Technology
3101 S. Dearborn St. 
Chicago IL 60616

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 9, 2022, at 2:05 AM, Mangold, Stefan (IPS) <stefan.mangold@kit.edu> wrote:

Dear all,

I upgraded a machine to 12.2 (MacPro), Larch was installed via binary installer. Afterwards Larch didn’t launch. I did a re-install with the binary installer and this didn’t work, because already installed. deleted it, but this also didn’t work


pip install xraylarch

ERROR: Failed building wheel for fabio
Failed to build fabio

also no director with XAS viewer created.

best regards

Stefan Mangold

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