Dear Ifeffiters,
I'm wondering what principles you have to determine the appropriate k-weight to use for FTs. Until now I've used guidelines from a textbook by Teo, based on the Z of the backscattering atoms: Z > 57; kw = 1 57 > Z > 36; kw = 2 Z < 36; n = 3
Of course you can have different backscatterers around your absorber - I've got C, N and Pt! Are there any other rules you follow?
Thanks very much in advance!
Hi Peter, I have found it very useful to use all three kweights, simultaneously. You can really cut down of the correlation between the different EXAFS parameters by doing so. This paper shows a model that was fit to the data with all three kweights. Geo. Cosmo Acta 66(22): pp 3855-3871, November 2002. I have been thinking about putting together an Artemis project file that shows how to do this. If there is interest, I would be willing. Shelly