Hi Bruce, this message il linked to the previous solutions you find for me.
For the reference, I asked to have a column of the chi(E) in the exported mu(E) data.
This has worked correctly so far.
Now for my master thesis, I'm performing a correction to chi(E) in the E space regarding to some geometrical properties of the sample.
I have also tried to re-import the corrected data as a chi(k), having reproduced the right k grid column, but it looks totally wrong.
The thing I'm not sure about is if the chi(E) needs to be fourier trasnformed into chi(k) or not.
That's because I would have liked to make comparison in the Athena software between the two chis, but if that's not possible I will keep it to the external software (mathematic) with which the correction is performed.
Or if you can share me the fourier transform routine performed I can include it to my correction script.
Hope the message is clear,
Kind Regards,