Hi Marcelo,

First and 2nd neighbor distances are usually modeled using EXAFS data in ARTEMIS.  XANES might give you information about the coordination if you have some reference data to compare.  

More information or detail about your experiment might get you a better answer,


Dr. Christopher Patridge
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Dept of Math and Natural Science
D'youville College
320 Porter Ave., Buffalo, NY 14201
Phone: 716-829-8096
Email: patridgc@dyc.edu

On Jan 16, 2015, at 10:21 AM, Marcelo Alves <mealves@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I wonder if it is possible from XANES unusual data treatment to get information such as number and distances of neigbhors in the first and second shells.

I think that could be very interesting for low Z elements such as P, S, Ca, K, Al, etc in diluted samples.

Thanks in advance.

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