Hi Miranda, Demeter 0. 9. 24 should be available for Windows under “Earlier Packages” at https: //bruceravel. github. io/demeter/. But also, it was released in October 2015 ;). Have you considered trying Larix? We’re trying to make this mostly compatible
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Hi Miranda,


Demeter 0.9.24 should be available for Windows under “Earlier Packages” at https://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/.  But also, it was released in October 2015 ;).


Have you considered trying Larix?  We’re trying to make this mostly compatible with Athena, and we are also trying to be responsive in fixing problems.





On 1/2/25, 3:51PM, "miranda.vu--- via Ifeffit" <ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov> wrote:



I am having an issue with the export of LCF data in Athena version 0.9.26. When I export the .lcf of files, it will re-order the components without properly re-ordering the associated data columns. The data and components will plot correctly in Athena before exporting. Is this something that can be fixed? Or if not would it be possible for me to get version 0.9.24 if you still have a copy of it?


Please let me know if there is any additional information that I can provide.




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