Hi Julian,

This looks like an example of the Ramsauer-Townsend effect. Maybe someone who has a stronger physics background can explain it, but here is a reference.

Phys Rev B, 1995, 52, 6332-6348.



On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Kaiser, Julian <julian.kaiser@helmholtz-berlin.de> wrote:
Dear Ifeffit Community,

I'm trying to understand a basic question about an ordinary gold-foil in the fcc-crystal structure.
If the spectra is plotted in the R-space, one will find two main-peaks at approx. 2.497 and 2.964 Angström that both should be attributed to the first shell. (see attached plot "Au_foil.pdf")
Would this mean, one can find a peak-splitting in the 1st NN shell? And if yes, why?
Maby I am compleately wrong and the second peak demonstrates already the second shell.(?)
But I think the second shell should not start below 4.07825 Armströng.
I think most of fcc metal crystals show this behavior. Of cause it also varys depending on the k-weight(kw=2 in the attachment).

Thanks a lot in advanced,

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