Although the [Natural log] box was checked, the natural log was not being applied to the data (figure 1). This was very easy to miss. Data imported under the conditions of figure 1 (Purple) resulted in a deviation from Bruce Ravel’s Au foil (Blue), the original March import (Green), and the June import after ensuring the μ(E) box contained the natural log of (mkxpq.i0)/(mkxpq.i1) (Red) – Figure 2.
Replication of the bug: The bug only appears if the following steps are followed:
1) In a new file X, fluorescence data is imported, i.e. natural log box is unchecked.
2) File X is saved and Athena is closed.
3) Athena is started and File X is opened.
4) When importing a new dataset, the natural log box will be checked but the natural log will not be applied to μ(E).
1) Uncheck and then check the natural log box. Ta-da…