Dear Bruce,
First of all thank your reply.
The solution which you have given is working perfectly.
I have created the Demeter folder at the appropriate path and its functioning now !
I guess many of the people would be facing the same problem when the computer is workstation and not the personal one.
I am not sure but it would be helpful to put a note about this on website or in readme file about this issue. That would be very useful to the users having same problem.
Once again thanks for the reply and also for creating such powerful software.
Best regards
A†ul Bansode
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia
Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ)
Av. Països Catalans 16 – 43007
Tarragona (Spain)
Phone +34 619847931
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Ravel []
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 3:18 PM
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit
Cc: Atul Bansode
Subject: Re: Demeter administator mode.
On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 04:19:55 PM you wrote:
> Dear Bruce,
> I am researcher from ICIQ, Spain and we produced some data at ALBA
> synchrotron light facility in Barcelona ,Spain.
My question is about
> Demeter software in administrator mode. It works in only admin mode so
> it can’t be used to normal users in our institute workgroup. Is there
> any solution to this problem ?
First off, I am CCing my answer to the Ifeffit mailing list, which is the appropriate venue for questions about the software. You can join the mailing list at
Secondly, I provide instructions for submitting a useful and actionable bug report at
The advantage of following those instructions is that, including sending the log file with the initial report, it expedites my ability to understand the problem you are having.
Finally, I think I recognize the problem you are having. Demeter attempts to write to "%APPDAtA%\demeter" where %APPDATA% is typically C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\ on Win 7 and C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application
Data\ on Win XP. In the last release, I attempted to fix a problem whereby "%APPDAtA%\demeter" was not created at the time of installation. Athena or Artemis would then try to write to that location and fail because that folder did not exist.
My "solution" in the last release was not correct and I hope to fix that in the upcoming release. The likliest solution to your problem is to create that folder by hand for each user, then try running the programs again.
If that does not work, then please report back *to* *the* *mailing*
*list* and I will again try to figure out what the problem is.
Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------
National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Methods Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973